"Степан Печкин. Переводы лирики [S]" - читать интересную книгу автора

Ђ ў ¬Ґбпж §Ё¬­ҐЈ® б®«­жҐбв®п­мп
Џа®Ёб室Ёв Ї®ў®а®в
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ЌЁзв® ­Ґ г­Ёз⮦Ёвм ­ ўбҐЈ¤ 

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Translation (c) Stepan M. Pechkin 1996

* * *
Ђ.ѓ.‹ § аҐў, ЇҐа. ‘.Њ.ЏҐзЄЁ­
(Џ®¤а ¦ ­ЁҐ Velvet Underground)

City water
Oily rainbows
toes wet shoes wet
prolongued buzzing
comix' pages
jazz in pocket
write this feeling
in the notebook
dying coda
key to locker
of the ear

understand the
machine noises
going off-hand
wish I saw not
wish I heard not
teacup full of
brain illusions
hot and stiffle
dens and saloons
of communities
and parties

Of standard reflections
and eye-hole constructions
and thriller-book pictures
and waters and rainbows
and oil and dirt
and insecticydes

Extra class trip