"Джон Пассос. One Man's Initiation: 1917 (англ.)" - читать интересную книгу автора

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One Man's Initiation: 1917

One Man's Initiation: 1917

A Novel

By John Dos Passos


To the memory of those with whom I saw rockets in the sky, on the road
between Erize-la-Petite and Erize-la-Grande, in that early August twilight
in the summer of 1917.

One Man's Initiation: 1917 was first published in London in October,
1920 by George Allen & Unwin Ltd. The original manuscript and corrected
page proofs have not been found. The first American edition was published in
June, 1922, by Goerge H. Doran Company, New York. The Philosophical Library
reprinted the book in 1945, under the title First Encounter, with a
introduction by the author.
In 1969 a new edition was published by Cornell University Press,
copyright 1969 by John Dos Passos. This edition, based on uncorrected page
proofs of the first edition, and with consultation with the author, restored
several passages expurgated or bowdlerized from the first edition. Along
with several illustrations by the author, and a new (1968) introduction by
Dos Passos including long extracts from his journal, this attractive book,
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 69-15945, and catalog nubmer
PZ3.D740N5, is the authoritative one now. We have not violated the author's
copyright by including any of the new material.

Chapter I

IN the huge shed of the wharf, piled with crates and baggage, broken by
gang-planks leading up to ships on either side, a band plays a tinselly
Hawaiian tune; people are dancing in and out among the piles of trunks and
boxes. There is a scattering of khaki uniforms, and many young men stand in