"Майк Науменко. Dark Lyrics (англ.)" - читать интересную книгу автора

Of stars that praise Blackwinged in Luciferian romance

This hour, while the Darkness lay upon the leams
This time, when from the mist and mystery Dead Poetry begins...
And suddenly the writings, scratched by paly hands,
Give birth to insane wonders and shadowed cloudlands...

They always were so lonely, so eerie gloomy grim,
They thoughts for squalid mortals were aye so dark and dim
But They were Gods of Poetry, which now has grown so mean and poor,
For They all lay neglected in their forgotten tombs
Ye, Nympholept Emperors of worlds so far beyond
In graveyards They're hiding from rays of hateful sun
But when the Moon is on the rise and elves play their flutes
They walk into the forests, They gather in the woods...

Spectral figures covened amidst oaken grove
And something terryfing around these places roves
Ghosts scream out in pleasure and Things-Go-Bump-At-Night
Crawls from benighted meadows charmed by sounding rhymes
Dead Poets assembled in calmness, but soon the song will tune
Hark! Whom they're enticing? Mayharp me or mayharp you?
And jesus weeping bitterly - another soul is lost,
Tonight young and proud poet join the Satan's Host...

Again the tales will sound to feast enthroned Nox
Inhuman shrilling voices and Past is reinvoked:
"...Silent sombre memories from Empires which fell
Fairy elven serenades and symphonies from Hell
Eulogies to Sylvan Realm, that always lured us so
And embers of unhuman races baned by jewish god
Harking back to ancient times, when the sun was dead
Still hungering for the stellar winters
And christian blood to shed..."

Cruel alpenglow is burning the faces of ancient mounts
And hateful sun is walking upon the heavenly vault
Pale Gods of Night is lurking in their montane castles
And christian herd is crawling towards thier feeble temples
Again abstinthaily crying Luna dies on azure bed,
She moans her lost beloved Lucifer and all the Poet's deaths...

Yet afresh...
The dusk shall asend...
And in the dead of the Night...
