"Джон Мур "День воскрешения"" - читать интересную книгу автора

yellow tabby in his arms.

At last, the President of the United States held a state dinner for the
professor with all the world's leaders, from old enemies to older friends,
to discuss the future use of the remarkable invention. The professor
seemed doubtful about the discussion and dubious of the intentions of the
smiling men and women around him.

"I am told that the leukemia virus is completely gone from your cat's
blood. Just think, Professor, of all the millions whose lives can be saved
or restored by your incredible process!" the President said heartily,
proud that this man was an American and basking in the envy and sycophancy
of the other leaders.

"I am surprised to hear that the world feels that way," said the professor
disdainfully, feeding the ever-present tabby tidbits from his plate,
"considering all the steps taken to keep the population low."

The President persevered. "You will receive the acclaim of the greatest
men of history, once they are returned to life. Einstein, Pasteur,
Galileo, Shakespeare. . . . "

The professor stared around at the roomful of eager faces, then began to
laugh, stroking the cat in his lap. "Oh my!" he gasped, his laughter all
but uncontrollable. "You didn't think this worked on people, did you?"