"Elizabeth Moon. The Speed of Dark " - читать интересную книгу автора

"If they were normal," Aldrin said, "they couldn't do the work."
"In either case, we'd be clear of having to provide this stuff-"
Crenshaw's expansive wave included everything from the gym to individual
cubbies with doors. "Either they could do the work at less cost to us or,
if they couldn't do the work, they wouldn't be our employees anymore."
"What is the treatment?" Aldrin asked.
"Oh, some combination of neuro-enhancers and nanotech. It makes the
right parts of the brain grow, supposedly." Crenshaw grinned, an unfriendly
grin. "Why don't you find out all about it, Pete, and send me a report? If
it works we might even go after the North American license."
Aldrin wanted to glare, but he knew glaring wouldn't help. He had
walked into Crenshaw's trap; he would be the one Section A blamed, if this
turned out bad for them. "You know you can't force treatment on anyone," he
said, as sweat crawled down his ribs, tickling. "They have civil rights."
"I can't imagine anyone wanting to be like that," Crenshaw said. "And
if they do, that's a matter for a psych evaluation, I would think.
Preferring to be sick-"
"They aren't sick ," Aldrin said.
"And damaged. Preferring special treatment to a cure. That would have
to be some kind of mental imbalance. Grounds for serious consideration of
termination, I believe, seeing as they're doing sensitive work, which other
entities would love to have."
Aldrin struggled again with the desire to hit Crenshaw over the head
with something heavy.
"It might even help your brother," Crenshaw said.
That was too much. "Please leave my brother out of this," Aldrin said
through his teeth.
"Now, now, I didn't mean to upset you." Crenshaw smiled even wider. "I
was just thinking how it might help..." He turned away with a casual wave
before Aldrin could say any of the devastating things colliding in his mind
and turned to the next person in line. "Now, Jennifer, about those target
dates your team isn't meeting..."
What could Aldrin do? Nothing. What could anyone do? Nothing.
Men like Crenshaw rose to the top because they were like that-that is
what it took. Apparently.
If there were such a treatment-not that he believed it-would it help
his brother? He hated Crenshaw for dangling that lure in front of him. He
had finally accepted Jeremy the way he was; he had worked through the old
resentment and guilt. If Jeremy changed, what would that mean?

Chapter Two

M r. Crenshaw is the new senior manager. Mr. Aldrin, our boss, took
him around that first day. I didn't like him much-Crenshaw, that is-because
he had the same false-hearty voice as the boys' PE teacher in my junior
high school, the one who wanted to be a football coach at a high school.
Coach Jerry, we had to call him. He thought the special-needs class was
stupid, and we all hated him. I don't hate Mr. Crenshaw, but I don't like
him, either.