"Протоиерей Иоанн Мейендорф. Byzantine Theology " - читать интересную книгу автора

competition. One understands therefore that it developed a sense of
increasing, though regrettable, and self-sufficiency.

1. Origen, De principiis, Praefatio 8; ed. B. Koetschau, GCS 22 (1913),
14.6-13; trans. G. W. Butterworth, On the First Principles (London: SPCK,
1936), p. 5.
2. John Chrysostom, De paenitentia, horn. 6, 4; PG 49:320.
3. fcmile Brehier, Histoire de la philosophic (Paris: Presses
Universitaires de France, 1931), II, 494.
4. H. A. Wolfson, The Philosophy of the Church Fathers (Cambridge:
Harvard University Press, 1956), I, VI.
5. Claude Tresmontant, La Mќtaphysique du christianisme et la naissance
de la philosophic chretienne (Paris: du Seuil, 1961), p. 23.
6. Georges Florovsky, "The Eastern Orthodox Church and the Ecumenical
Movement," Theology Today 7 (April 1950), 74-76.
7. Georges Florovsky, "The Idea of Creation in Christian Philosophy,"
Eastern Church Quarterly 8 (1949), 53-77.
8. See fctienne Gilson, La philosophic an Moyen-Age (2nd ed., Paris:
Payot, 1952), pp. 72-77.
9. Origen, De principiis, I, 2, 10; ed. Koetschau, p. 42; trans.
Butterworth, p. 23.
10. Quoted by Jerome in Ep. 124, ad Avit., 15.
11. See anathemas of the Council of Constantinople (553) as given in F.
Dickamp, Die origenistischen Streitigt^eiten im sechsten Jahrhundert und das
junjte allgemeine Concil (Munstcr, 1898), pp. 90-96.
12. The essential texts are found in A. Guillaumont, Les "Kephalaia
Gnostica" d'tvagre le Pontique et I'histoire de I'origenisme chez les Grecs
et les Syriens (Paris: du Seuil, 1962), esp. pp. 156-160.
13. Vladimir Lossky, Vision of God (London: Faith Press, 1963), pp.
14. Pseudo-Dionysius, Mystical Theology, V; PG 3:1045p-1048A.
15. Lossky, Vision, p. 102.
16. See, chiefly, pseudo-Dionysius, On the Divine Names, II; PG
17. Pseudo-Dionysius, On the Celestial Hierarchy, III, 2; PG 3:165«.
18. See R. Roques, L'univers dionysien: Structure hierarchique du monde
scion le pseudo-Denys (Paris: Aubier, 1954), p. 98ff.
19. Pseudo-Dionysius, On the Ecclesiastical Hierarchy, I, 3; PG 3:373c.
20. See the analysis of Roques, L'univers dionysien, pp. 172ff.
21. Ibid., pp. 267, 269.

The Christological Issue.

Throughout the millennium between the Council of Chalcedon and the fall
of Constantinople, Byzantine the theological thought was dominated by the
Christological problem as it was defined in the dispute between Cyril and
Nestorius and in the subsequent discussions and conciliar decrees. It must
be remembered however that the central issue in these debates was the