"Энди Макнаб. Удаленный контроль (engl) " - читать интересную книгу автора

"Is Slack Pat still over there?"
"I think so, but you know what he's like-one minute he's going to learn
how to build houses, and the next minute he's going to take up tree hugging
and crocheting. Fuck knows what he's doing now."
Pat had had a job for two years looking after the family of an Arab
diplomat in D.C. It worked out really well-he even got an apartment thrown
in-but eventually the children he was minding grew too old to be looked
after. They went back to Saudi, so he blew off his job and started bumming
The fact was, he'd made so much money during those two years he wasn't
in a hurry.
We carried on chatting and joking, but all the time Euan's eyes
flickered toward the targets.
The players ordered another drink, so it looked as if we were going to
be sitting here for a while. We carried on spinning the social shit.
"How's year ten of the house building program?" I grinned.
"I'm still having problems with the boiler."
He'd decided that he was going to put the central heating in himself,
but it was a total screw up. He'd ended up spending twice as much money as
he would have, had he paid someone to do it.
"Apart from that, it's all squared away. You should come down some
time. I can't wait to finish this fucking tour; then I've got about two more
years and that's it."
"What are you going to do?"
"As long as it's not what you're doing, I don't care. I thought I'd
become a garbageman. I don't give a fuck, really." I laughed.
"You do! You'll be itching to stay in; you're a party man. You'll stay
in forever. You moan about it all the time, but actually you love it."
Euan checked the players, then looked back at me. I knew exactly what
he was thinking.
I said, "You're right. Don't do this job; it's shit."
"What have you been up to since your Middle Eastern adventure?"
"I've been on holiday, got some downtime in, did a bit of work for a
couple of the companies, but nothing much, and to tell you the truth it's
great. Now I'm just waiting for the out come of the inquiry. I think I'm in
deep shit unless this job gets me out."
Euan's eyes moved again.
"It looks like you're off."
The two boys must have started to sort themselves out at the bar.
I said, "I'll call you after this is finished. When are you back in the
"I don't know. Maybe a few days."
"I'll give you a call; we can arrange something. You got yourself a
woman yet, or what?"
"You've got to be drunk! I was going out with someone from the London
office for a while, but she wanted to make me all nice and fluffy. She was
starting to do my washing and all sorts of shit. I really didn't get into
"You mean she didn't iron a crease in the front of your jeans?"
Euan shrugged.