"Энди Макнаб. Удаленный контроль (engl) " - читать интересную книгу автора

stomach. I moved forward and fired two shots at the head. He was no longer a
Kev ran over and was searching inside Savage's coat.
"It's not here," he said.
"No weapon, no firing device."
I looked down at Kev as he wiped the blood off his hands onto Savage's
"One of the others must have had it," he said.
"I didn't hear the car go up, did you?"
In all the confusion I couldn't be sure.
I stood over them both. Kev's mother came from southern Spain; he
looked like a local: jet black hair, about five feet ten inches, and the
world's bluest eyes. His wife reckoned he was a dead ringer for Mel Gibson,
which he scoffed at but secretly liked. Right now his face was a picture; he
knew he owed me one. I wanted to say, "It's OK, these things happen," but it
just didn't seem like the time. Instead I said, "Fucking hell, Brown, what
do you expect if you have a name the same color as shit?"
As I spoke we put our safety catches on, and Kev and I swapped weapons.
"I'm glad I won't be at any inquest." I grinned at Kev.
"You'd better start getting your shit together."
He smiled as he got on the radio and started to send a situation
report. It was all right for him and the others, but Euan and I shouldn't
have been here. We had to vanish before the police arrived. We had been
flown in from doing undercover work in Northern Ireland with Fourteen
Intelligence Group;
it was illegal for its members to operate anywhere else. If either of
us were caught in Gibraltar, there would be a shit storm.
The ops room at HMS Rooke was about fifteen minutes away on foot. I
tucked Kev's weapon inside my jeans and started walking fast.
The mood was subdued aboard the C-130 as it lifted from the tarmac at
11 p.m. that night.
Spanish police had found PIRA's car bomb in an under ground parking
garage in Marbella, thirty miles away, across the Spanish border; 145 pounds
of Semtex high explosive and an unattached timing device preset at 11:20
a.m." the time the Gibraltar guard-changing ceremony ended and the soldiers
dispersed in the square. The white Renault had been a blocking vehicle after
When Simmonds came over. Pat said, "As far as we knew, they had the
means to detonate a bomb big enough to separate Gibraltar from the mainland.
All it would have taken was one press of a button. If there's going to be an
inquest, fuck it.
Better to be tried by twelve, I say, than carried by six."
Deafened suddenly by the roar of the C-130's engines, I glanced at Kev,
Pat, Euan and tried to forget what I was going back to. A house isn't a home
when there are no pictures on the walls.
Back when we were in the Persian Gulf, Pat had a battle cry: "All for
one and one for all." We'd laughed when he used it, but he was right on
target. Any one of us would put his life on the line for the others. I
cracked a smile; with these guys around me, who needed family? Without a
doubt, I thought, this was as good as it was ever going to get. NINE YEARS