"Frogs into Princes: Neuro Linguistic Programming" - читать интересную книгу автора (Bandler Richard Wayne, Grinder John)Reframing Outline(1) Identify the pattern (X) to be changed. (2) Establish communication with the part responsible for the pattern. (a) "Will the part of me that runs pattern X communicate with me in consciousness?" (b) Establish the "yes-no" meaning of the signal. (3) Distinguish between the behavior, pattern X, and the intention of the part that is responsible for the behavior. (a) "Would you be willing to let me know in consciousness what you are trying to do for me by pattern X?" (b) If you get a "yes" response, ask the part to go ahead and communicate its intention. (c) Is that intention acceptable to consciousness? (4) Create new alternative behaviors to satisfy the intention. At the unconscious level the part that runs pattern X communicates its intention to the creative part, and selects from the alternatives that the creative part generates. Each time it selects an alternative it gives the "yes" signal. (5) Ask the part "Are you willing to take responsibility for generating the three new alternatives in the appropriate context?" (6) Ecological check. "Is there any other part of me that objects to the three new alternatives?" If there is a "yes" response, recycle to step (2) above. |