"Андрей Титов. Самоидентификатор для магов" - читать интересную книгу автора

Choronzon, Mara, and Satan are just euphemisms for my name.


N - Netmage Quotient

Provided by chiaroscuro

I am Joshua Geller.
I turn on my computer by electrokinesis, create sigils with 3d
rendering software, write Unix system daemons using the Key of
Solomon, and have uploaded most of my consciousness to the net.
I have created portions of the alt.magick.* hierarchy, work with
net.aether in preference to the regular, boring kind, and have
extensively developed my esoteric understanding through the constant
memetic testing (cleverly disguised as flamewars) on the net.
I'm on the THELEMA, TIAMAT and ARCANA lists, am a prominent regular on
alt.magick, have killfiled the subject line "love spells", and
regularly use the Internet as a magickal focus, medium, or metaphor.
I've checked out alt.magick a few times and have Divination Web's
address stashed somewhere.
I do not see computer technology as particularly relevant to magick.
I posted to alt.magick asking if anyone had any love spells, but all I
got was a brownie recipe.
I posted to alt.magic asking if anyone had any love spells, and 200
people mailed my sysadmin asking him to get rid of my account!
Computers and magick don't mix. I can't bring my will into focus
within ten meters of one of the things.
Computers are not only inimical to magick, but are technocratic evil
incarnate and should be reduced to smoldering scrap.
My last name is Butler and I'm organizing a jihad.
Huh? A network is something I catch fish with.
I am an artificial intelligence; eat my dust, meat-brain.
