"Андрей Титов. Самоидентификатор для магов" - читать интересную книгу автора

followed by some letters which broadly describe what field of Geek s/he is.
The Magic Code is similar, except of course we use the letter M.

Choose the letter or letters following the M which most suit you. For
example, I am a Chaos mage with some fairly strong Thelemic leanings, so I
would begin my Code with: MCH/TH. A Neopagan who thought Qabalah was really
useful would write MPA/QU. And so on. (Don't put down everything you do in
this, because that's what the other categories are for!)

* MAL Alchemy
* MAS Astrology
* MCH Chaos magic
* MDE Demonology/Goetia
* MEN Enochian
* MGD Golden Dawn
* MHE Hermeticism
* MHY Hypnotism/fascinations
* MMU Music/Pythagoreanism
* MNE Necromancy
* MPA (Neo-)Paganism (non-Wiccan)
* MQB Qabalah (without Hermeticism)
* MRU Runes/Asatru
* MSH Shamanism
* MSX Sex magic/Tantra
* MTA Tarot pathworker/meditation
* MTH Thelema (Crowleyan)
* MVO Voodoo/voudoun/Santeria
* MWI Wicca
* MYO Yoga

* MO Other


S - Secret Orders

A "Secret Order", for our purposes, is one which requires secrecy about
anything except membership of other people. (An Order which forbids you to
reveal that So-and-So other than yourself is a member, isn't being unduly

You get an additional plus rating if any Order you are part of disapproves
of your membership in any other Order you are part of. You get two extra
pluses if any Order you are part of (but not being removed from)
disapproves of your membership in itself.

I'm in the XI° O.T.O., am a 33° Freemason, and my last name is