"Андрей Титов. Самоидентификатор для магов" - читать интересную книгу автора * QJ Jewish Qabalah
* QO Other Qabalah Q++++ Now how did you say your name was spelled? Q+++ I've got much of 777 memorized and I use it all the time. Q++ I can rattle off the 10 sephiroth and their colors, and maybe remember the Tarot attribution. Q+ The Hebrews and Greeks were probably onto something. Interesting study. Q I am aware, sort of, of the qabalah, but I don't really use it. Q- It's just numbers and letters. You can get anything out of it. Q-- It's just numbers and letters. You can get nothing out of it. Q--- Cabala is a big waste of time by some stuffy old Hebrew nuts. Q---- My God teaches that arithmetic is the work of Satan. Q----- Cabal? Isn't that a video game? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 666 - Aleister Crowley 666+++++ Same as 4 pluses (below) except I was actually enlightened. 666++++ I got addicted to heroin, refused to wear underwear, sacrificed 150 baby boys in one year, exorcised 3 Catholic priests, and tried to take over the O.T.O. just so I could be like The Master Therion. 666+++ In a previous life I was one of his students. 666++ I can quote large chunks of his works at the drop of a robe. 666+ I own 3 or 4 of his books. I swear by his system of magicK. 666 I've read The Book of the Law. 666- I've heard of him, read a pamphlet or two. No big whoop. 666-- I don't see what all the hype's about. He didn't say much of value. 666--- I read all about him in Fundamentalist Weekly. |