"Valentin Katayev. Rainbow-Flower (англ.)" - читать интересную книгу автора

just terrible!
"Oh, Mummie, I'm freezing!" she wailed, but her tears turned into
icicles and hung from the tip of her nose. Meanwhile, seven polar bears
had suddenly appeared from behind an ice hill and started towards her. One
was more horrible than the next: the first was jumpy, the second was mean,
the third was grumpy, the fourth was lean, the fifth had a cap, the sixth
liked to scrap, and the seventh was the biggest of all.

Zhenya was scared to death. With frozen fingers she tore off the
green petal, threw it up and shouted at the top of her voice:

Fly, petal, oh-
East to West you go.
Then North to South
And turn about.
Touch the ground, do,
Make my wish come true.

No sooner were the words out of her mouth than she was back in the
yard. And the boys were making fun of her.
"Where's your North Pole, smarty?"

"I was just there."
"Well, we didn't see you there. Prove it!"
"See, I still have an icicle here."
"That's no icicle, it's a piece of fuzz, silly!"
Zhenya decided that the boys were horrid and she'd never play with them
again. So she went into the next yard to play with the girls.

There she saw that the girls had a lot of toys. One had a doll
carriage, one had a ball, one had a skipping-rope, one had a tricycle, and
one had a big talking doll with a doll's hat on and a pair of doll's
galoshes. Zhenya was terribly unhappy. Her eyes even turned as green as a
cat's from envy.
"Hm! I'll show you who has the best toys!" she thought.
She pulled the rainbow-flower from her pocket and tore off the
orange petal. She threw it up and said:

Fly, petal, oh-
East to West you go.
Then North to South
And turn about.
Touch the ground, do,
Make my wish come true.