"Vampire A Go-Go" - читать интересную книгу автора (Gischler Victor)


Dr. Evergreen’s party was almost no fun at all after the discovery of the headless corpse.

The police showed up. Guests were questioned and questioned again. Efficient men in white coats zipped the body into a black bag and wheeled it away in an ambulance. A few special people like Allen were asked to come down to the station for further questioning. Allen dutifully went along and answered what he guessed were routine questions.

As if there’s ever anything routine about a decapitation.

Allen sat in the bland interrogation room sipping tepid coffee under fluorescent lights. His stomach was upset. He was tired. He vaguely felt like the cops suspected him of something even though he’d been assured numerous times they only wanted to be as complete as possible and if Allen could just be patient, they’d wrap all this up as soon as possible.

The police evidently had a very different definition of “as soon as possible.”

Another cop asked him the same list of questions for the third time. There were forms to sign. They confirmed Allen’s contact information. Just as it looked like they were about to let Allen go, a particularly dour-looking cop had one more question for him.

“You have any knowledge of what this might be about?” The cop held up a tiny glass vial, sealed at the top. It was three-quarters full of thick, red liquid. Crescent-shaped particles floated in the liquid, in addition to strands of what appeared to be thread.

“I’ve never seen that,” Allen said.

“It’s blood and fingernail clippings and hair,” the cop said. “It was found in the victim’s jacket pocket.”

“Okay, gross,” Allen said. “Hey, I have nothing to do with that, okay? All I did was find the body.”

“You ran into the woods after you heard the scream. That’s right?”

“Yes. I told you that.” He’d said nothing about Penny. They hadn’t asked.

“And there was a wolf at the scene, which ran away when the other party guests approached the scene?”

“It was dark. Like I said before, it was probably just a big dog.” Allen was eager not to seem crazy-cuckoo.

“We appreciate your time, Mr. Cabbot. We’ll call you if we think of anything else to ask.”

Allen left the police station. Fast. All he wanted to do was get back to his dorm and sleep. It was after midnight by the time he got there. He slouched up the stairs, unlocked his door, and went into the dorm room, already unbuttoning his shirt, anticipating nothing but deep, dark sleep.


“Jesus!” Allen clutched his chest. “You scared the hell out of me.”

“Where have you been?” Penny curled on Allen’s bed in sweatpants and a T-shirt. “I’ve been waiting for hours and worried about you.”

“Where have I been? Where’d you go at the party? Jesus, I heard this scream and thought you were being murdered or something. Did you hear about Kurt Ramis?”

“Of course! It’s been all over the news. I went to my car to get something, and when I came back I couldn’t get near Dr. Evergreen’s house. The street was choked with police cars.”

“It was horrible. Penny, something ripped Kurt’s head right off his body. I’ve never seen anything like it, and I never want to again. The police kept me for hours.”

Penny sucked in breath, slid to the edge of the bed. “Holy shit, Allen, they don’t think you did it?”

“Of course not. But I found the body. They had a lot of questions. Something else.” Allen hesitated. “Penny, I swear I saw a huge wolf near the murder scene. I thought it was going to eat me, swear to God.”

Penny stood slowly. “Oh?”

“I mean, this fucking thing was snarling and going crazy. I really thought it was about to pounce.”

“Wolves are not indigenous to this area,” Penny said flatly.

“Well, I know what I saw, and it was-hey, are you mad at me or something?”

“It’s just that with everything going on, I don’t think you need to exaggerate, telling people your wolf story.”

“It’s not a story.”

“It was probably just a big dog.”

Allen blew out a sigh, flopped onto his bed. “Fine. A big dog.”

“Listen, Allen.” Penny eased down onto the bed next to him. “If you don’t want to be alone… I mean, if you want to talk or have some company, I know what you saw was probably upsetting and everything.”

“No, thanks. I’m exhausted. All I want to do is go to sleep.”

Penny stood again quickly. “Of course, I mean… sure. I know you’re probably exhausted. Right. I’ll just go.”

“I talked to your friend Father Paul at the party.”

Penny brightened slightly. “Isn’t he nice? I don’t get to mass as often as I should, but I go when he’s on duty.”

“I don’t know. The whole conversation seemed a bit odd.” Allen pulled the crucifix from the pocket of his sweatpants. “He insisted I take this.”

“Good. You should wear it.”

“I don’t think so.”

“Look.” She dipped two fingers under the collar of her T-shirt and came out with a silver crucifix. It was smaller but otherwise identical. “You wear yours, and I’ll wear mine. We can be Savior buddies.”

Allen laughed. “Maybe.”

“We’re friends, aren’t we?”

“Mmmmmm. What have you done for me lately?”

“I’m serious,” Penny said.

“You know we are.”

“Then do this for me,” she said. “Simply because I’m asking you to.”

“But why?”

“Do it for me, and I’ll tell you later.”

Allen looked at her, then at the crucifix, and back to her. He hadn’t figured her for the religious type.

“Didn’t I get you through Professor Mayflower’s Restoration lit class?”


“Then humor me.”

He smiled and shrugged, slipped the thin chain over his head. The crucifix hung heavy to the middle of his chest. “There. Happy? You saved my soul.”


Penny left him to sleep and to dream.

You’ve probably heard all the Freud stuff about dreams, the subconscious stretching and giving itself a workout, all those dreams that originate from within. Going to class in your underwear. The dream where you’re falling and falling and falling.

But there’s another sort of dream too. The kind that comes from elsewhere, that wriggles into your mind. An invasion. Allen dreamed of eyes. Cool, calm eyes of the night, eyes he felt had been watching him for centuries. Eyes that ate the light and lived in darkness. And he was cold; he shivered.

Allen awoke at dawn, covered in sweat and burdened with some nameless dread that he couldn’t explain.