"Эбби Хоффман. Steal this book (англ.) " - читать интересную книгу автора

cooking facilities. Once you get the stamps, you can pick them up regularly.
Some states even mail them to your pad. You can get up to a hundred dollars
worth of free purchases a month per person in the most liberal states.
Large amounts of highly nutritional food can be gotten for as little as
three cents per meal from a non-profit organization called Multi-Purpose
Food for Millions Foundation, Inc., 1800 Olympic Ave., Santa Monica,
California. Write and they will send you details.


Talking about food in Amerika means talking about supermarkets-mammoth
neon lighted streets of food packaged to hoodwink the consumers. Many a
Yippie can be found in the aisles, stuffing his pockets with assorted
delicacies. We have been shoplifting from supermarkets on a regular basis
without raising the slightest suspicion, ever since they began.
We are not alone, and the fact that so much stealing goes on and the
supermarkets still bring in huge profits shows exactly how much overcharging
has occurred in the first place. Supermarkets, like other businesses, refer
to shoplifting as "inventory shrinkage." It's as if we thieves were helping
Big Business reduce weight. So let's view our efforts as methods designed to
trim the economy and push forward with a positive attitude.
Women should never go shopping without a large handbag. In those
crowded aisles, especially the ones with piles of cases, all sorts of
goodies can be transferred from shopping cart to handbag. A drop bag can be
sewn inside a trench coat, for more efficient thievery. Don't worry about
the mirrors; attendants never look at them. Become a discriminating shopper
and don't stuff any of the cheap shit in your pockets.
Small bottles and jars often have the same size cap as the larger
expensive sizes. If they have the price stamped on the cap, switch caps,
getting the larger size for the cheaper price. You can empty a pound box of
margarine and fill it with sticks of butter. Small narrow items can be
hidden in the middle of rolls of toilet paper. Larger supermarkets sell
records. You can sneak two good LP's into one of those large frozen pizza
boxes. In the produce department, there are bags for fruit and vegetables.
Slip a few steaks or some lamb chops into the bottom of a large brown bag
and pile some potatoes on top. Have a little man in the white coat weigh the
bag, staple it and mark the price. With a black crayon you can mark your own
prices, or bring your own adhesive price tags.
It's best to work shoplifting in the supermarket with a partner who can
act as look-out and shield you from the eyes of nosy employees, shoppers and
other crooks trying to pick up some pointers. Work out a prearranged set of
signals with your partner. Diversions, like knocking over displays, getting
into fist fights with the manager, breaking plate glass windows and such are
effective and even if you don't get anything they're fun. Haven't you always
wanted to knock over those carefully constructed nine-foot pyramids of
You can walk into a supermarket, get a few items from the shelves, and
walk around eating food in the aisles. Pick up some cherries and eat them.
Have a spoon in your pocket and open some yogurt. Open a pickle or olive
jar. Get some sliced meat or cheese from the delicatessen counter and eat it