"Эбби Хоффман. Steal this book (англ.) " - читать интересную книгу автора

Making up a name can also work. Next invest $5.00 to print business cards
with the name of the magazine and the new "associate editor." Call or simply
drop into a fancy restaurant, show a copy of the magazine and present the
manager with your card. They will insist that the meal be on the house.
Great places to get fantastic meals are weddings, bar-mitzvahs,
testimonials and the like. The newspaper society sections have lists of
weddings and locations. If your city has a large Jewish population,
subscribe to the newspaper that services the Jewish community. There are
extensive lists in these papers of family occasions where tons of good food
is served. Show up at the back of the synagogue a few hours after the affair
has begun with a story of how you'd like to bring some leftovers of "good
Jewish food" back to your fraternity or sorority. If you want to get the
food served to you out front, you naturally have to disguise yourself to
look straight. Remarks such as, "I'm Marvin's cousin," or learning the
bride's name, "Gee, Dorothy looks marvelous" are great. Lines like "Betty
doesn't look pregnant" are frowned upon. A man and woman team can work this
free-load much better than a single person as they can chatter back and
forth while stuffing themselves.
If you're really into a classy free meal, and you are in a city with a
large harbor, check out the passenger ship section in the back pages of the
newspaper. There you find the schedule of departures for ocean cruises. Most
trips (these kind, anyway) begin with a fantastic bon voyage party on board
ship. Just walk on a few hours before departure time and start swinging.
Champagne, caviar, lobster, shrimp and more, all as free as the open seas.
If you get really bombed and miss getting off, you can also wiggle a ride
across the ocean. You get sent back as soon as you hit the other side, but
it's a free ocean cruise. You should have a pretty good story ready to go,
or you might end up rowing in the galley.
Another possibility for getting a free meal is to go down to the docks
and get friendly with a sailor. He can often invite you for dinner on board
ship. Foreign sailors are more than glad to meet friends and you can get
great foreign dinners this way.


In Amerika, there is a national food stamp program that unfortunately
is controlled by the states. Many states, for racist reasons, do not want to
make it too available or to publicize the fact that it even exists. It is a
much better deal than the food program connected with welfare, because you
can use the stamps to buy any kind of food. The only items excluded are
tobacco products and alcoholic beverages. In general, you can qualify if you
earn less than $165 per month; the less you earn, the more stamps you can
receive. There is minimal hassle involved once you get by the first hurdle.
Show up at your local food stamp office, which can be found by calling the
Welfare Department in our city. Make an appointment to see a representative
for your area. They will tell you to bring all sorts of receipts, but the
only thing you need are a few rent stubs for the most recent months. An
array of various receipt books is a nice supplement to one's prop room. If
the receipts are for a high rent, tell them you rent a room from a group of
people and eat separately. They really only want to prove that you have