"Вуди Гасри. Bound for glory (engl)" - читать интересную книгу автора

My land I'll defend with my life if it be,
For my Pastures of Plenty must always be free.

A generation of songwriters have learned from him--Bob Dylan, Tom
Paxton, Phil Ochs and I guess many more to come.
As we scatter his ashes over the waters I can hear Woody hollering back
to us, "Take it easy--but take it!"

The Secretary of the Interior
April 6, 1966
Dear Mr. Guthrie,
It gives me great pleasure to present you the Department of the
Interior's Conservation Service Award. In conjunction with this award we are
also naming a Bonneville Power Administration substation in your honor. It
will be known hereafter as the Woody Guthrie Substation in recognition of
the fine work you have done to make our people aware of their heritage and
the land.
You sang that "this land belongs to you and me," and you sang from the
heart of America that feels this about its land. You have articulated, in
your songs, the sense of identification that each citizen of our country
feels toward this land and the wonders which it holds. You brought to your
songs a heart as big as all outdoors, and we are fortunate to have music
which expresses the love and affection each of us feels, though we are
unable to express it so eloquently, toward this land . . . "from California
to the New York Island-- from the Redwood Forest to the Gulf Stream waters."
Yours was not a passing comment on the beauties of nature, but a
living, breathing, singing force in our struggle to use our land and save it
too. The greatness of this land is that people such as you, with creative
talent, worked on it and that you told about that work--told about the power
of the Bonneville Dam and the men who harnessed it, about the length of the
Lincoln Highway and the men who laid it out. You have summarized the
struggles and the deeply held convictions of all those who love our land and
fight to protect it.
Sincerely yours,
Stewart L. Udall
Secretary of the Interior
Mr. Woodrow W. Guthrie
Brooklyn State Hospital
681 Clarkson Avenue
Brooklyn, New York