"Suicide Squeeze" - читать интересную книгу автора (Gischler Victor)7Billy Moto was still numb from his encounter with Joellen Becker. She had rattled him. Japanese women were not like that. At no point during the dinner did Moto ever have control of the conversation. He felt steamrolled. Bludgeoned. She was out there somewhere shaking Pensacola by the lapels in search of a small rectangle of cardboard that probably still smelled faintly of stale bubble gum. At least he’d had the presence of mind to insist on a copy of the file. He refused to leave the investigation in this woman’s hands and fully intended to pursue the matter independently. Moto went back to his room at the Airport Hilton and pored over the information. The VHS tape was of Folger showing the card to some expert on a public television show. Moto watched the tape. He studied Folger’s facial expressions as the expert appraised the card for insurance purposes. Moto watched Folger’s body language as the expert described the best way to maintain the card and prevent corrosion. Based on Folger’s brief television appearance, Moto decided he did not like the man. Folger was impatient and selfish and a little weak it seemed. He’d expected the card to be worth more and felt slighted by the expert’s low appraisal. At heart, Folger was a spoiled child and a bit of a sissy. Five minutes was a very short amount of time to sum up a man’s heart and soul, and Moto realized he could be way off in his estimate. But Moto was seldom wrong in such matters. Moto’s cell phone played Darth Vader’s theme from He flipped open the little phone. “I’m here, Mr. Kurisaka.” “Billy, I sent you a package by FedEx. It should have been delivered to your room.” Moto looked around, saw the box in the middle of the desk. “It’s here.” “Open it.” Moto opened it. A heavy-duty metal attaché case. “Use it to transport the card,” Kurisaka said. “I had it specially made. It can survive one hundred fathoms or a fall from twenty thousand feet. Fireproof. Also a small homing beacon built into the lining.” “Mr. Kurisaka, I’m just not sure all of this is necessary.” “I want the card well protected.” Moto hesitated a moment, then said, “Mr. Kurisaka, things are going a bit more slowly than anticipated. I’m having trouble locating Folger. He’s seems to have gone missing and has taken the card with him.” A long pause. “You don’t think he’s selling the card to… someone else?” “I couldn’t say,” Moto admitted. “I just wanted to make you aware this may take a few days. But as soon as I find him, I will make your offer. A million dollars is much more than the appraised value of the card. I’m sure he won’t refuse.” Moto had no trouble interpreting Kurisaka’s silence. He was displeased. Kurisaka said, “Billy, do what you must. Find him. And if a million dollars isn’t good enough, then convince Folger it is in his best interest to part with the card. Do you understand what I mean?” “I understand.” “Good-bye, Billy.” He hung up. Moto considered Kurisaka’s words. Moto knew when he started working for the billionaire that he would be asked to do difficult things. A man like Kurisaka did not need another administrative assistant. He needed a right-hand man, and he expected results from Billy Moto. Yes, Kurisaka was willing to pay a million dollars, but he wouldn’t hesitate to get what he wanted by less scrupulous means. Moto searched himself and wondered how far he’d go to get Kurisaka what he wanted. The conversation with Billy Moto lingered in Kurisaka’s mind, distracted him. He flipped on his hundred-inch, flat-screen television and put in the DVD of Pillow Talk, which always calmed him down and let him think. Doris Day’s voice was like creamy butter. But he barely watched the film, was hardly aware of Doris Day at all. His mind raced. It should have been so simple. Kurisaka had sent Moto to America to expedite the purchase of the DiMaggio card. Why should there be complications? Unless… Unless… Something was going on behind his back. His old Yakuza instincts bubbled to the surface. Hito Hyatta had agents everywhere, men who labored to make Hyatta aware of rare and valuable collectibles that came on the market. And Kurisaka knew Hyatta’s passion for their shared hobby. He knew Hyatta would spare no expense if he wanted the DiMaggio card for himself. Hyatta had practically admitted it at lunch. He was after a highly collectible card in Florida. What else could it be but the DiMaggio card? Kurisaka would not be thwarted again by Hyatta! He was tired of playing second fiddle to his rival. This time he would get the card and rub it in Hyatta’s face. Let Hyatta sit and seethe with envy. This time Kurisaka would be the one to gloat over his new prize. But Billy Moto was usually very competent. Moto’s lack of progress was most troubling. Could it be… no… was it possible that Moto would betray him? Had Hyatta gotten to Moto, made him a better offer for retrieving the card? Yes, of course it was possible. Anyone could be bribed or threatened. A lesson from Kurisaka’s Yakuza days he’d almost forgotten. Kurisaka had become complacent. He felt ashamed and lost. As a Yakuza boss he’d been feared and respected. As a legitimate businessman he was mocked and ridiculed. Men like Hyatta laughed behind his back. Damn them! Damn them all. He would show them. He would not be toyed with. He would- A red flashing beacon in the corner of the TV screen and a harsh beep made Kurisaka jump. Kurisaka thumbed the remote, paused the film, and the face of one of his employees filled the screen. “Mr. Kurisaka, there’s been another attempt on your life.” Kurisaka raised an eyebrow. “Tell me.” “A man outside your offices. A routine security screening found he had a bomb. We think he was going to try to sneak in disguised as a custodial worker. Probably plant the bomb in your office. Shall we turn him over to Tokyo Police?” “No. Question him. Find out who hired him.” “It shall be done. But if he proves as resistant to interrogation as the others…” “Make sure no remains are found.” He had not “Hai.” The man’s face disappeared from the screen. Enemies. All around him there were enemies. Enemies and traitors. Kurisaka needed someone he could trust. No one in his current organization would suffice. He needed somebody from the old days. He picked up his phone, dialed a number he knew by heart. “Hello?” “Cousin Toshi,” Kurisaka said. “It has been too long. How would you like to go to America?” Joellen Becker had opened her mouth and puked lies until she’d convinced Billy Moto she practically had Teddy Folger in her back pocket. Moto’s call to her office had intrigued her. She’d done a very specific Internet search. You can find some surprising information on the Web if you know where to look and how to read between the lines. An hour on Mercenary.com and a visit to Bountyhunterand-rewards.com confirmed her suspicions. She also made several calls to some folks she knew from her old NSA days. Her investigation had turned up a few interesting things about the billionaire Ahira Kurisaka. Things she could exploit although she would need to first confirm a few details. Later. After dinner, she went home and opened the gun chest in the bedroom closet, took out the Smith amp; Wesson.380 auto and two extra clips, snapped them into the lightweight nylon shoulder holster. She did not delve into the metal chests containing her array of special equipment. Keepsakes from her government days. Becker had names and addresses and some other good information from Folger’s file, including where the man’s ex-wife lived. She’d go to the man’s places, follow the trail, sniff him out. She was an investigator. This was her specialty. She shrugged into the holster rig, snapped it tight. She strapped the.25 automatic to her ankle. A million bucks for a baseball card? Yes, that was a lot of money. But to Joellen Becker, the card was merely bait for a much bigger fish. |