"Terry Goodkind. Faith of the Fallen (англ.)" - читать интересную книгу автора

Faith of the Fallen
By Terry Goodkind

Rev 0.0 (Please up the revision and repost if you make corrections)

Dust Cover Notes:

A novel of the nobility of the human spirit.

A novel of ideas.

New York Times bestselling author Terry Goodkind returns with an
extraordinary new novel of the majestic Sword of Truth. Richard, the Lord
Rahl and the Seeker of Truth, has returned to his boyhood home, Hartland.

When a Sister of the Dark captures Richard, he makes a desperate
sacrifice to ensure that his beloved Kahlan remains free. Taken deep into
the old World and forced to labor for the tyrannical evil he's sworn to
defeat, he is determined to remain defiant even in the heart of darkness.

Kahlan, left behind and unwilling to abandon the cause of the
Midlands, violates prophecy and breaks her last pledge to Richard. Finally
she will come face to face with the architect of the terror sweeping her
land-the mad dreamwalker, Emperor Jagang.

While Kahlan faces Jagang's vast horde, Richard discovers the
truth of the Imperial Order's rule. Forced to endure his ordeal without
magic, without the Sword of Truth, without his love, he stands against the
despair and soulnumbing regime of the Old World, his hope kept alive only
by the knowledge of the rightness of his cause.

Chapter 1

She didn't remember dying.

With an obscure sense of apprehension, she wondered if the distant
angry voices drifting in to her meant she was again about to experience
that transcendent ending: death.

There was absolutely nothing she could do about it if she was.

While she didn't remember dying, she dimly recalled, at some later
point, solemn whispers saying that she had, saying that death had taken
her, but that he had pressed his mouth over hers and filled her stilled
lungs with his breath, his life, and in so doing had rekindled hers. She
had had no idea who it was that spoke of such an inconceivable feat, or
who "he" was.

That first night, when she had perceived the distant, disembodied
voices as little more than a vague notion, she had grasped that there were