"Илья Франк. Английский язык с Крестным Отцом (Метод чтения)" - читать интересную книгу автора

Stick it in, Johnny, that's what you really want."
8 Johnny Fontane got up. He hated the woman on the floor but her
beauty was a magic shield. Margot rolled away, and in a dancer's spring was
on her feet facing him. She went into a childish mocking dance and chanted,
"Johnny never hurt me, Johnny never hurt me." Then almost sadly with grave
beauty she said, "You poor silly bastard, giving me cramps like a kid. Ah,
Johnny, you always will be a dumb romantic guinea, you even make love like
a kid. You still think screwing is really like those dopey songs you used
to sing." She shook her head and said, "Poor Johnny. Good-bye, Johnny." She
walked into the bedroom and he heard her turn the key in the lock.
9 Johnny sat on the floor with his face in his hands. The sick,
humiliating despair overwhelmed him. And then the gutter toughness that had
helped him survive the jungle of Hollywood made him pick up the phone and
call for a car to take him to the airport. There was one person who could
save him. He would go back to New York. He would go back to the one man
with the power, the wisdom, he needed and a love he still trusted. His
Godfather Corleone.

1 The baker, Nazorine, pudgy (коротенький и толстый /о человеке/;
маленький и плотный /о предмете/) and crusty (покрытый корочкой;
раздражительный, неприветливый, грубый) as his great Italian loaves
(буханки), still dusty with flour (все еще покрытый мучной пылью; dust -
пыль; flour - мука [flau?]), scowled at his wife (сердился, бросал сердитые
взгляды, хмурился), his nubile (достигшую брачного возраста, созревшую
['nju:b?l]) daughter, Katherine, and his baker's helper, Enzo. Enzo had
changed into his prisoner-of-war uniform (переоделся в форму
военнопленного) with its green-lettered armband (с повязкой с зелеными
буквами, надписью) and was terrified (был в ужасе) that this scene would
make him late (заставит его опоздать) reporting (доложить /о себе/ =
явиться) back to Governor's Island. One of the many thousands of Italian
Army prisoners paroled (освобожденный условно [p?'r?ul]) daily to work in
the American economy, he lived in constant fear (в постоянном страхе) of
that parole being revoked (отменено: "отозвано"). And so the little comedy
being played now (которая сейчас разыгрывалась) was, for him, a serious
2 Nazorine asked fiercely (гневно), "Have you dishonored (обесчестил)
my family? Have you given my daughter a little package (сверточек) to
remember you by now that the war is over (теперь, когда война закончилась)
and you know America will kick your ass (пнет твой зад = выбросит тебя
пинком под зад) back to your village full of shit (в твою деревню, полную
дерьма ['v?l?dG]) in Sicily?"
3 Enzo, a very short (низкорослый), strongly built boy ("сильно
сложенный" парень), put his hand over his heart and said almost in tears,
yet cleverly (почти в слезах, но разумно), "Padrone, I swear by the Holy
Virgin (клянусь Святой Девой) I have never taken advantage of your kindness
(я никогда не злоупотреблял вашим великодушием; advantage [?d'v?:nt?dG] -
преимущество; выгода, польза; to take advantage of - обмануть, перехитрить
кого-либо; воспользоваться чем-либо). I love your daughter with all
respect. I ask for her hand with all respect. I know I have no right, but
if they send me back to Italy I can never come back to America. I will