"Ричард Фейнман. Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!/Вы, конечно, шутите, мистер Фейнман! (англ.)" - читать интересную книгу автора

was piddling around all the time. I did calculate a little bit for the lamp
bank, a series of switches and bulbs I used as resistors to control
voltages. But all that was for application. I never did any laboratory kind
of experiments.
I also had a microscope and loved to watch things under the microscope.
It took patience: I would get something under the microscope and I would
watch it interminably. I saw many interesting things, like everybody sees -
a diatom slowly making its way across the slide, and so on.
One day I was watching a paramecium and I saw something that was not
described in the books I got in school - in college, even. These books
always simplify things so the world will be more like they want it to be:
When they're talking about the behavior of animals, they always start out
with, "The paramecium is extremely simple; it has a simple behavior. It
turns as its slipper shape moves through the water until it hits something,
at which time it recoils, turns through an angle, and then starts out
It isn't really right. First of all, as everybody knows, the paramecia,
from time to time, conjugate with each other - they meet and exchange
nuclei. How do they decide when it's time to do that? (Never mind; that's
not my observation.)
I watched these paramecia hit something, recoil, turn through an angle,
and go again. The idea that it's mechanical, like a computer program - it
doesn't look that way. They go different distances, they recoil different
distances, they turn through angles that are different in various cases;
they don't always turn to the right; they're very irregular. It looks
random, because you don't know what they're hitting; you don't know all the
chemicals they're smelling, or what.
One of the things I wanted to watch was what happens to the paramecium
when the water that it's in dries up. It was claimed that the paramecium can
dry up into a sort of hardened seed. I had a drop of water on the slide
under my microscope, and in the drop of water was a paramecium and some
"grass" - at the scale of the paramecium, it looked like a network of
jackstraws. As the drop of water evaporated, over a time of fifteen or
twenty minutes, the paramecium got into a tighter and tighter situation:
there was more and more of this back-and-forth until it could hardly move.
It was stuck between these "sticks," almost jammed.
Then I saw something I had never seen or heard of: the paramecium lost
its shape. It could flex itself, like an amoeba. It began to push itself
against one of the sticks, and began dividing into two prongs until the
division was about halfway up the paramecium, at which time it decided that
wasn't a very good idea, and backed away.
So my impression of these animals is that their behavior is much too
simplified in the books. It is not so utterly mechanical or one-dimensional
as they say. They should describe the behavior of these simple animals
correctly. Until we see how many dimensions of behavior even a one-celled
animal has, we won't be able to fully understand the behavior of more
complicated animals.
I also enjoyed watching bugs. I had an insect book when I was about
thirteen. It said that dragonflies are not harmful; they don't sting. In our
neighborhood it was well known that "darning needles," as we called them,