"Ричард Фейнман. Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!/Вы, конечно, шутите, мистер Фейнман! (англ.)" - читать интересную книгу автора

Somebody makes a suggestion, then someone else.
After a little while, I get up and make a suggestion. "All right," I
say in a sarcastic voice, "whoever you are who stole the door, we know
you're wonderful. You're so clever! We can't figure out who you are, so you
must be some sort of super-genius. You don't have to tell us who you are;
all we want to know is where the door is. So if you will leave a note
somewhere, telling us where the door is, we will honor you and admit forever
that you are a super-marvel, that you are so smart that you could take the
other door without our being able to figure out who you are. But for God's
sake, just leave the note somewhere, and we will be forever grateful to you
for it."
The next guy makes his suggestion: "I have another idea," he says. "I
think that you, as president, should ask each man on his word of honor
towards the fraternity to say whether he took the door or not."
The president says, "That's a very good idea. On the fraternity word of
honor!" So he goes around the table, and asks each guy, one by one: "Jack,
did you take the door?"
"No, sir, I did not take the door."
"Tim: Did you take the door?"
"No, sir! I did not take the door!"
"Maurice. Did you take the door?"
"No, I did not take the door, sir."
"Feynman, did you take the door?"
"Yeah, I took the door."
"Cut it out, Feynman; this is serious! Sam! Did you take the door..."
- it went all the way around. Everyone was shocked. There must be some real
rat in the fraternity who didn't respect the fraternity word of honor!
That night I left a note with a little picture of the oil tank and the
door next to it, and the next day they found the door and put it back.
Sometime later I finally admitted to taking the other door, and I was
accused by everybody of lying. They couldn't remember what I had said. All
they could remember was their conclusion after the president of the
fraternity had gone around the table and asked everybody, that nobody
admitted taking the door. The idea they remembered, but not the words.
People often think I'm a faker, but I'm usually honest, in a certain
way - in such a way that often nobody believes me!

Latin or Italian?

There was an Italian radio station in Brooklyn, and as a boy I used to
listen to it all the time. I LOVed the ROLLing SOUNds going over me, as if I
was in the ocean, and the waves weren't very high. I used to sit there and
have the water come over me, in this BEAUtiful iTALian. In the Italian
programs there was always some kind of family situation where there were
discussions and arguments between the mother and father:
High voice: "Nio teco TIEto capeto TUtto..."
Loud, low voice: "DRO tone pala TUtto!!" (with hand slapping).