"Ричард Фейнман. Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!/Вы, конечно, шутите, мистер Фейнман! (англ.)" - читать интересную книгу автора

I explained to them what I meant and how it worked in this case, and it
solved the problem. It turned out it was Bernoulli's equation that I meant,
but I had read all this stuff in the encyclopedia without talking to anybody
about it, so I didn't know how to pronounce anything.
But my roommates were very excited, and from then on they discussed
their physics problems with me - I wasn't so lucky with many of them - and
the next year, when I took the course, I advanced rapidly. That was a very
good way to get educated, working on the senior problems and learning how to
pronounce things.
I liked to go to a place called the Raymor and Playmore Ballroom - two
ballrooms that were connected together - on Tuesday nights. My fraternity
brothers didn't go to these "open" dances; they preferred their own dances,
where the girls they brought were upper crust ones they had met "properly."
I didn't care, when I met somebody, where they were from, or what their
background was, so I would go to these dances - even though my fraternity
brothers disapproved (I was a junior by this time, and they couldn't stop
me) - and I had a very good time.
One time I danced with a certain girl a few times, and didn't say much.
Finally, she said to me, "Who hants vewwy nice-ee."
I couldn't quite make it out - she had some difficulty in speech -
but I thought she said, "You dance very nicely."
"Thank you," I said. "It's been an honor."
We went over to a table where a friend of hers had found a boy she was
dancing with and we sat, the four of us, together. One girl was very hard of
hearing, and the other girl was nearly deaf.
When the two girls conversed they would do a large amount of signaling
very rapidly back and forth, and grunt a little bit. It didn't bother me;
the girl danced well, and she was a nice person.
After a few more dances, we're sitting at the table again, and there's
a large amount of signaling back and forth, back and forth, back and forth,
until finally she says something to me which I gathered means, she'd like us
to take them to some hotel.
I ask the other guy if he wants to go.
"What do they want us to go to this hotel for?" he asks.
"Hell, I don't know. We didn't talk well enough!" But I don't have to
know. It's just fun, seeing what's going to happen; it's an adventure!
The other guy's afraid, so he says no. So I take the two girls in a
taxi to the hotel, and discover that there's a dance organized by the deaf
and dumb, believe it or not. They all belonged to a club. It turns out many
of them can feel the rhythm enough to dance to the music and applaud the
band at the end of each number.
It was very, very interesting! I felt as if I was in a foreign country
and couldn't speak the language: I could speak, but nobody could hear me.
Everybody was talking with signs to everybody else, and I couldn't
understand anything! I asked my girl to teach me some signs and I learned a
few, like you learn a foreign language, just for fun.
Everyone was so happy and relaxed with each other, making jokes and
smiling all the time; they didn't seem to have any real difficulty of any
kind communicating with each other. It was the same as with any other
language, except for one thing: as they're making signs to each other, their