"David Eddings. Pawn of prophecy queen of sorcery magician's gambit (The Belgariad, Part one)" - читать интересную книгу автора

Now the Gods, knowing all that had passed, held council, and Aldur
advised them, "If we raise war again upon our brother Torak, our strife
will destroy the world. Thus we must absent ourselves from the world so
that our brother may not find us. No longer in flesh, but in spirit only
may we remain to guide and protect our people.
For the world's sake it must be so. In the day that we war again, the
world will be unmade."
The Gods wept that they must depart. But Chaldan, Bull-God of the
Arends, asked, "In our absence, shall not Torak have dominion?"
"Not so," Aldur replied. "So long as the Orb remains with the line of
Riva Iron-grip, Torak shall not prevail."
So it was that the Gods departed, and only Torak remained. But the
knowledge that the Orb in the hand of Riva denied him dominion cankered
his soul.
Then Belgarath spoke with Cherek and his sons. "Here we must part, to
guard the Orb and to prepare against the coming of Torak. Let each turn
aside as I have instructed and make preparations."
"We will, Belgarath," vowed Cherek Bear-shoulders. "From this day,
Aloria is no more, but the Alorns will deny dominion to Torak as long as
one Alorn remains."
Belgarath raised his face. "Hear me, Torak One-eye," he cried. "The
living Orb is secure against thee, and thou shalt not prevail against it.
In the day that thou comest against us, I shall raise war against thee. I
will maintain watch upon thee by day and by night and will abide against
thy coming, even to the end of days."
In the wastelands of Mallorea, Kal-Torak heard the voice of Belgarath
and smote about him in fury, for he knew that the living Orb was forever
beyond his reach.
Then Cherek embraced his sons and turned away, to see them no more.
Dras went north and dwelt in the lands drained by River Mrin. He built a
city at Boktor and called his lands Drasnia. And he and his descendants
stood athwart the northern marches and denied them to the enemy. Algar
went south with his people and found horses on the broad plains drained by
Aldur River. The horses they tamed and learned to ride for the first time
in the history of man, mounted warriors appeared. Their country they
called Algaria, and they became nomads, following their herds. Cherek
returned sadly to Val Alorn and renamed his kingdom Cherek, for now he was
alone and without sons. Grimly he built tall ships of war to patrol the
seas and deny them to the enemy.
Upon the bearer of the Orb, however, fell the burden of the longest
journey. Taking his people, Riva went to the west coast of Sendaria. There
he built ships, and he and his people crossed to the Isle of the Winds.
They burned their ships and built a fortress and a walled city around it.
The city they called Riva and the fortress the Hall of the Rivan King.
Then Belar, God of the Alorns, caused two iron stars to fall from the sky.
Riva took up the stars and forged a blade from one and a hilt from the
other, setting the Orb upon it as a pommel-stone. So large was the sword
that none but Riva could wield it. In the wasteland of Mallorea, Kal-Torak
felt in his soul the forging of the sword and he tasted fear for the first