"Dafydd ab Hugh, Brad Linaweawer DOOM: Infernal Sky (english)" - читать интересную книгу автораhuman collaborators. The traitors have their own
genetic plans for "improving" that part of humanity the new masters will allow to survive. The New Eugenics is a plan devised by our side. The good guys. The ones fighting the invaders. Who knows? Maybe they will deliberately create more computer adjuncts like me! It's a dead certainty that they will begin making breeding decisions for the survivors on our side. Warriors like Flynn and Arlene will be spared this nonsense. They were born to die in battle. They are too valuable to use in non-military operations. I have accessed plans for them. They don't know it yet, but their time on Earth is limited. Very few people have their skill as space warriors. Flynn is Flash Gordon. Who is Arlene? Barbarella? Marines Taggart and Sanders will follow orders even when it involves facing hundred-to-one odds and near-certain death. I'd like to imagine some bureaucrat, human or otherwise, telling them with whom they should go to bed and how many children they are expected to have. They will be spared this future Earth that I believe to be inevitable, no matter which side wins. Times of crisis are made in hell— and made for the kind of man who has a plan for everything. fortunate, he will go with Fly and Arlene. He is too religious a man to stay. Where would he turn when he found out there's no side for him? Would he try to return to Utah? He doesn't know about Utah yet. He'll probably find out today. They have a lot to cover today. The service for Ackerman and his staff was held this morning. I watched it on the monitor. So much has happened since yesterday. First, the admiral will pretend there was a possibili- ty of sabotage even though the video recordings show that the killings were the result of simple carelessness on the part of one of Ackerman's staff. Plain incompe- tence led to the holocaust. Those tapes remain classi- fied, naturally. The possibility of a traitor does more for gung-ho morale than an admission of incompe- tence. I can hardly fault our new leaders for being students of history. Besides, my friends will be receiving a big dose of declassified material relevant to their next mission. They shouldn't be greedy for too much declassified material all at once. It causes indigestion. Besides, their marine colonel will be giving them a nice dessert. |