"Dafydd ab Hugh, Brad Linaweawer DOOM: Knee Deep in the Dead (english)" - читать интересную книгу автора

Dafydd ab Hugh, Brad Linaweawer

Knee Deep in the Dead

Before the Beginning

Kefiristan is about as close as you can come to
hell on Earth.
I say that with authority: I've spent the last eighteen
months doing a tour here, trying to keep the Kefiri
People's Liberation Army, who call themselves the
"Scythe of Glory," from the throats of the rightist
Khorastisti, who have the backing of Azeri transplants
from the south (who want to keep their enclaves), who
are fighting a "dirty war" against Communist Cuban and
Peruvian meres . . . Jeez, you get the picture. It's a
snarled skein of a million bloody threads up here on the
top of the world, in the northern extension of the
Karakoram range, between Afghanistan and Samarkand,
We'd just punched through the craggy pass pleasantly
known as the "torn hymen" in the local tongue and come
across the small, Muslim city of pik Nizganij, perched on
a mountain peak of 2200 meters.
I stared in horror. Even eighteen months of picking up
after the Scythe of Glory and their Shining Path buddies
didn't prepare me for what was left of pik Nizganij.
It was a Bosch canvas, severed limbs and hollowed-
out trunks—eaten out by animals, I prayed—planted
through the fields like stalks of corn, blood painting
doors and walls like the first Passover... except it was
human blood, not lamb's blood.
Corporal Flynn Taggart, Fox Company, 15th Light
Drop Infantry Regiment, United States Marine Corps;
888-23-9912. Everyone calls me Fly, except when they're
Fox crept through the town, hell-shocked, trying with-
out much success to count body parts and make a
reasonable K1A guess. Fog or an evil cloud rolled across
the mountaintop, shrouding the sprightly red decoration
and muffling our footsteps. It was like we walked along a
cotton corridor, tripping over gruesome reminders that
war, especially the virulent hatred of one tribe for
another, throws men back into pre-bronze, pre-agricul-