"Роберт Догерти. Зона 51 (engl) " - читать интересную книгу автора

with gray for
the last ten years. Kelly had made the effort


to keep the original color for a year or so, then had given audiocassette
fall out along with several pages. She picked
up, accepting what time had dealt her after forty-two years up the cover letter
and read.
on the planet.
The microwave dinged and she removed the mug and Hey Kelly,
3 Nov 96

placed a tea bag into it, allowing the water to soak through.
While she was waiting for that, she pulled out the mail, I was trying
to think of who to send a copy of this
interested most in the thick brown envelope that she'd no- tape to, and
you were the first name that popped into
ticed as the cans had fallen. The return address made her my head--especially
after what happened to you eight
smile: Phoenix, Arizona. It had to be from Johnny Sim- years ago with
that joker from Nellis Air Force Base in
mons, an old friend from her graduate days at Vanderbilt. Nevada.
Actually, more than an old friend, Kelly reminded herself I got a package
in the mail last week that included a
as her mind focused on those years a decade and a half letter and an
audiotape--no return address and post-
ago. marked Las Vegas.
I think I know who sent it, though.
Johnny had caught her on the rebound after her first He wouldn't
be hard to find. I want you to listen to it.
husband had dumped her. She'd anchored her psyche in So go find a
Walkman or go over to your stereo now.
his emotional harbor for several months. When she'd fi- Don't pass go,
don't collect two hundred dollars, and
nally felt like something of a whole human being again, take this letter
with you. I mean NOW! I knew you
she'd discovered that while she truly cared for Johnny, she were still standing
there. Put the tape in, but don't
didn't have that special spark for him that she felt was start it yet.