"Лорд Дансени. The Lost Silk Hat (Потерянная шелковая шляпа) (англ.)" - читать интересную книгу автора

To take any part in the tuning of a piano is impossible
for me.
Well, pretend you've come to look at the radiator.
They have one under the window, and I happen to know it
I suppose it has an artistic decoration on it.
Yes, I think so.
Then I decline to look at it or go near it. I know
these decorations in cast iron. I once saw a
pot-bellied Egyptian god, named Bes, and he was *meant*
to be ugly, but he was n't as ugly as these decorations
that the twentieth century can make with machinery.
What has a plumber got to do with art that he should
dare to attempt decoration?
Then you won't help me.
I won't look at ugly things and I won't listen to ugly
noises, but if you can think of any reasonable plan I
don't mind helping you.
I can think of nothing else. You don't look like a
plumber or a clock-winder. I can think of nothing
more. I have had a terrible ordeal and I am not in the
condition to think calmly.
Then you will have to leave your hat to its altered
Why can't you think of a plan? If you're a poet,
thinking's rather in your line.
If I could bring my thoughts to contemplate so absurd a
thing as a hat for any length of time no doubt I could
think of a plan, but the very triviality of the theme
seems to drive them away.
: {rising}
Then I must get it myself.
For Heaven's sake, don't do that! Think what it means!
I know it will seem absurd, but not so absurd as
walking through London without it.
I don't mean that. But you will make it up. You will
forgive each other, and you will marry her and have a