"Альфред Бестер. The Flowered Thundermug (англ.)" - читать интересную книгу автора

"Do come in, professor," the nasal voice said. "That is, if
you will permit me to invite you into your own office. There is
no use trying to turn on the lights, Miss Sothern. They have
been-attended to."

"What is the meaning of this intrusion?" Professor Muni

"Come in. Come in. Boris, guide the professor to a chair.
The goon who is taking your arm, Professor Muni, is my ruthless
bodyguard, Boris Karloff. I am Peter Lorre."

"I demand an explanation," Muni shouted. "Why have you
invaded my office? Why are the lights out? By what right do

"The lights arc out because it is best that people do not
see Boris. He is a most useful man, but not, shall we say, an
aesthetic delight. Why I have invaded your office will be made
known to you after you have answered one or two trifling

"I will do nothing of the sort. Miss Sothern, get the

"You will remain where you are, Miss Sothern."

"Do as you're told, Miss Sothern. I will not permit this-"

"Boris, light something."

Something was lit. Miss Sothern screamed. Professor Muni
was dumb-struck.

"All right, Boris, put it out. Now, my dear professor, to
business. First, let me inform you that it will be worth your
while to answer my questions honestly. Be good enough to put
out your hand." Professor Muni extended his hand. A sheaf of
bills was placed in it. "Here is one thousand dollars; your
consultation fee. Would you care to count it? Shall I have
Boris light something?"

"I believe you," Muni muttered.

"Very good. Professor Muni, where and how long did you
study American history?"

"That's an odd question, Mr. Lorre."