"Константин Бояндин. The Guardian ("Истории Ралиона") " - читать интересную книгу автора

...He was in a kitchen now. That could help me a bit, Nlaminer thought.
There were pots of many types here. Nlaminer studied them carefully and then
donned one of them. Now there were two things in his backpack - one his
traveller box (tinderbox, candles, some torches, these sort of things), and
now a new pot would help him to eat what he liked.
There were also knives (useful things, though too bad to be weapons)
and all other kitchen stuff. Judging by the dusty odor, there was no food
The storeroom that was immediately beyond the kitchen, had also several
useful items. One of them was an oil lamp, half-full of oil, several feet of
rope and a hammer. Nlaminer took everything he supposed to be helpful in the
situation and noticed a sturdy trapdoor in the far corner of the room.
He put his ear to the trapdoor and listened. He thought he heard
distant scratching and squeaking, but whether it was his imagination or real
sounds he could not tell. The air coming from under the trapdoor was
malodorous and damp. No, not now, thought Nlaminer, wriggling his nose. Why
must I always stalk sewers ? It seems every possible way is hidden beyond
the filthy and harmful passages, filled with some eerie and hungry life.

* * *

Rhissa passed corridors and rooms with no useful things in them and
listened. No sounds, except for Nlaminer's steps in the far side of the wall
interior. No smells, just dust and rats somewhere near. She was deep in
thoughts about the perished grove and the overall feelings that filled the
air all around.
The sendings that struck them both were highly violent, aimed very
carefully, for they both disliked violence very much and such visions could
be interpreted only as menace. Who could wish them harm anyway ? They never
offended any deities, never desecrated any altars and temples... Who could
chase them, so harshly and intentionally ? The malignant aura predominated
around them, and new visions could come any time, probably more dangerous
and violent. She asked for guidance to Naata, her protector and source of
wisdom, but no signs of contact ever came. This was very strange and
frightening now. She could swear the words has reached her deity, but none
came back. For the high priest of a god it was very uncommon to lose any
contact with one's deity.
And the voice of Andrynx, Time Traveller, Dancing with Crystal Ball,
The Guiding Light... what could force this neutral and peaceful deity to
interfere with someone's sending ?
There were no answers. Rhissa, still half-lost in thoughts, returned to
the entrance where Nlaminer waited, also thoughtful and uncertain.
The night was still young. They told each other what was found, and,
after all useful was collected, they decided to return to their cave now.
The whole building emanated unwelcome sensations. It was not safe to rest

Chapter 2. The Shrine

He managed to build fire - there were logs in the kitchen as well as in