"Константин Бояндин. The Guardian ("Истории Ралиона") " - читать интересную книгу автора

wind took away his breath. He managed to see another shadow towering behind
his back when an arm pulled him back and he fell to his knees struggling for
The reptile was unexpectedly strong. It pulled him further into the
upper tunnels; his feet were failing and the dark mist still blackened the
eyesight. The danger was somewhere near, even though the shadows were not
Suddenly they were in the open air. There was a sunset; and he was
sitting by a tree. His senses returned to him in a flash and he discovered
the small reptile studying him with a worried look. Nlaminer opened his eyes
but managed to say nothing. He looked around; his backpack was lying near
and the sheathed Protector was still on his belt.
He managed to reach for the backpack and found a flask there. The Water
of Strength, his favourite medicine, splashed at the very bottom. He
swallowed and the fire ran through all his muscles. After a minute he
managed to stand.
"Rhissa," said the reptile, pointing at its breast. "I'm Rhissa
Thalasshes ans Shiora."
Nlaminer was surprised. Rhissa spoke Thalen, sort of a common language
for this continent. He studied Rhissa and found it was much like Hanssa,
underground reptile race. Alike but not the same. This one had stronger
arms, head more oblong than Hanssa's. Obviously female. Probably there were
other differences. It didn't matter anyway; they had saved each other from
the inevitable death. "Nlaminer rad Haorsst," Nlaminer bowed. "I thank you
for your help, Rhissa."
The reptile sat near him and drank from her own flask. The odor from
the flask was herbal, clear and pleasant.
"Were you alone ?" Rhissa asked after a while. "I've seen bodies in
that vampire birds lair."
"All my friends perished there," Nlaminer answered after a short pause.
"I intended to bury them, but I think this is impossible now." Nlaminer
"There was almost nothing left of them," Rhissa pointed out. "If it
isn't a secret, what you were searching there ?"
"There were books in this city," Nlaminer replied. "The books on magic,
a collection of the city's magic circle."
He was surprised how easy it was to tell that. They knew each other
just for several minutes and yet it was quite natural to tell her anything
she would like to know. Magic ? Hardly, he thought. His magic powers, medium
as they were, were enough to detect mental magic cast at him.
Rhissa sat silent for a moment. Then she said, "We could help each
other; I'm a Cleric and I feel you learn magic, too. You saved my life. I am
your faithful friend now, Nlaminer rad Haorsst, until the end of time."
Rhissa stood up and extended her hand to him, fingers outstretched.
Nlaminer, bewildered, saw the bluish shining which appeared for a moment all
around her.
Then he stood and extended his hand in the similar gesture. "I accept
your friendship, Rhissa Thalasshes ans Shiora. I'm also in debt." He thought
bitterly that he had no goal now; his friends were dead and the quest for
the books was now senseless. He touched Rhissa's hand and immediately the