"ab Hugh, Dafydd & Linaweaver, Brad - Doom 04 - Endgame 1.0" - читать интересную книгу автора (ab Hugh Dafydd)and covered her, watching her through my snap-up
rifle scope. She ran under the ship, finally having to crouch and skitter sideways for the last couple score meters; this close to the ship, the underside looked like a building overhang where it rose away from the cup-shaped LZ. "Jesus," she muttered. "Sergeant Fly, get your butt up here and eyeball this thing." "What is it?" I asked, trotting toward her position at port-arms. "I'd rather you saw it for yourself without precon- ceptions." She sounded tense and excited, and I double-timed the pace. By the time I approached, I was panting. Jeez, what adding another stripe does to a Marine's physical fitness! Arlene didn't look tense; her RK-150 hung off her back totally casual. She was staring at something underneath the ship, where you'd have to crawl on your hands and knees to see it. She shone a pencil- light on the thing; it looked like a body of some sort, or was once .. . but definitely not a Fred. "Hold my rifle," I said, handing it to her. "I'm going under and take a look." She eyed the overhanging ship uneasily. "You sure this thing isn't going to roll over on you?" Goforth imitation, "we-all gwan be inna heap'a trou- bles." The ship overhung us even where we stood, stretching a good fifty meters beyond us; if it chose to roll over, we'd be squashed like a bug on a bullet anyway, no matter where we stood. But I sure didn't like crawling under the thing; I could feel the mass of immensity over my back; I got about ten meters in when I experienced a rush of utter, total panic. I'd never felt claustrophobic before! Why then? The ship felt like an upside-down moun- tain balanced on its peak, ready to topple over and crush me. I froze, unable to move, while waves of panic battered me. The only thing that kept me from turning around and crab-crawling back out of there was the fact that Arlene was staring at me, and I would rather die than have her think a sergeant in the Marine Corps was a screaming coward. After a minute, the panic subsided into gripping anxiety; it was still horrible, but now bearable. "Are you all right?" Arlene called from behind me. "Y-yeah, just trying to f-figure out what the thing is. Gotta git a lit... get a little closer." I forced myself to crawl until I was as close as I could get. I set up my Sure Fire flashlight-lantern to illuminate the body |