"David Zindell - Requiem of Homo Sapiens 01 - The Broken God" - читать интересную книгу автора (Zindell David)

is http://www.harpercollins.co.uk/voyager
This paperback edition 1998
Previously published in paperback by
HarperCollins Science Fiction & Fantasy 1993
First published in Great Britain by 1993
Copyright © David Zindell 1993
The Author asserts the moral right to
be identified as the author of this work
ISBN 0 586 21189 6 Set in Meridien
Printed and bound in Great Britain by Caledonian International
Book Manufacturing Ltd, Glasgow
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Danlo the Wild



All that is not halla, is shaida.
For a man to kill what he cannot eat, that is shaida;
For a man to kill an imakla animal that is shaida, too.
It is shaida for a man to die too soon;
It is shaida for a man to die too late.
Shaida is the way of the man who kills other men;
Shaida is the cry of the world when it has lost its soul.
– from the Devaki Song of Life

This is the story of my son, Danlo wi Soli Ringess. I came
to know him very well, though it was his fate (and my own) that
he grew up wild, a lost manchild living apart from his true
people. Until he came to Neverness, he knew almost nothing of
his heritage or the civilized ways of the City of Light; in
truth, he did not really know he was a human being. He thought
of himself as an Alaloi, as one of that carked race of men and