"Zelazny, Roger - Amber Short Stories 05 - Blue Horse Dancing Mountains" - читать интересную книгу автора (Zelazny Roger)_Blue Horse, Dancing Mountains_ from the anthology
_Wheel Of Fortune_ December, 1995 by Roger Zelazny -------------------------------------------------------- I took a right at the Burning Wells and fled smokeghosts across the Uplands of Artine. I slew the leader of the Kerts of Shern as her flock harried me from hightowered perches among the canyons of that place. The others abandoned the sport, and we were through, beneath a green rain out of a slate-colored sky. Onward and down then, to where the plains swirled dust devils that sang of sad eternities in rock that once they were. At last the winds fell off and Shask, my deadly mount, blue stallion out of Chaos, slowed to a stop before vermilion sands. "What is the matter?" I asked. "We must cross this neck of the desert to reach the Dancing Mountains," Shask replied. "And how long a journey might that be?" "Most of the rest of the day," he said. "It is narrowest here. We have paid in part for this indulgence already. The rest will come in the I raised my canteen and shook it. "Worth it," I said, "so long as they don't really dance in Richter terms." "No, but at the Great Divide between the shadows of Amber and the shadows of Chaos there is some natural shifting activity in play where they meet." "I'm no stranger to shadow-storms, which is what that sounds like--a permanent shadow-storm front. But I wish we could just push on through rather than camp there." "I told you when you chose me, Lord Corwin, that I could bear you farther than any other mount by day. But by night I become an unmoving serpent, hardening to stone and cold as a demon's heart, thawing come dawn." "Yes, I recall," I said, --and you have served me well, as Merlin said you might. Perhaps we should overnight this side of the mountains and cross tomorrow." "The front, as I said, shifts. Likely, at some point, it would join you in the foothills or before. Once you reach the region, it matters not where we |