"Zelazny, Roger - Amber 09 - Knight Of Shadows" - читать интересную книгу автора (Zelazny Roger)

She led us to what must have been guest quarters, not too far away, and
left us with soap, towels, and water. We agreed to meet back in the narrow room
in half as hour.
"Think she's planning something nasty?" I asked as I drew off my shirt.
"No," Mandor replied. "I like to flatter myself in thinking that she would
not want to miss this meal. Nor, do I feel, would she want us to miss seeing her
at her best, having so far seen her at something less than that. And a
possibility of gossip, confidences..." He shook his head. "You may never have
been able to trust her before and may never again. But this meal will be a
Time-out if I'm any judge."
"I'll hold you to that," I said as I splashed and lathered.
Mandor gave me a crooked smile, then conjured a corkscrew and opened the
bottles--"to let them breathe a little"--before he tended to himself. I trusted
his judgment, but I hung on to the Sign of the Logrus in case I had to duel with
a demon or avoid a falling wall.
No demons sprang; no masonry toppled. I entered the dining room behind
Mandor and watched him transform it with a few words and gestures. The trestle
table and the benches were replaced by a round table and comfortable-looking
chairs--the chairs so situated as to provide a good view of the mountains from
each. Jasra had not yet arrived, and I was carrying the two wine bottles whose
respiration Mandor found most appealing. Before I could even set them down,
Mandor conjured an embroidered tablecloth and napkins; delicate china, which
looked as if it had been hand decorated by Mirу; finely wrought silverware. He
studied the tableau a moment, banished the silverware, summoned a set with a
different pattern. He hummed as he paced and regarded the layout from various
angles. Just as I moved forward to place the bottles on the table, he summoned a
crystal bowl filled with floating flowers as a centerpiece. I took a step
backward then as crystal goblets appeared.
I made a small growling noise, and he seemed to notice me for the first
time in a while.
"Oh, set them there. Set them there, Merlin," he said, and an ebony tray
appeared on the table to my left. "We'd better check to see how the wine is
holding up, before the lady arrives," he said then, pouring some of the ruby
fluid into two of the goblets.
We sampled these, and he nodded. It was better than Bayle's. By far.
"Nothing wrong there," I said.
He rounded the table, went to the window, and looked out. I followed.
Somewhere up in those mountains, I supposed, was Dave in his cave.
"I feel almost guilty," I said, "taking a break like this. There are so
many things I should be tending to--"
"Possibly even more than you suspect," he said. "Look upon this less as a
break than a retrenchment. And you may learn something from the lady."
"True," I replied. "I wonder what, though."
He swirled his wine in his glass, took another small sip, and shrugged.
"She knows a lot. She may let something slip, or she may feel expansive at
the attention and grow generous. Take things as they're dealt."
I took a drink, and I could be nasty and say my thumbs began to prickle.
But it was actually the Logrus field that warned me of Jasra's approach along
the hall outside. I did not remark upon it to Mandor, since I was certain he
felt it, too. I simply turned toward the door, and he matched my movement.