"The Night Has 999 Eyes" - читать интересную книгу автора (Zelazny Roger) Roger Zelazny. The Night Has 999 Eyes
Preface from Unicorn Variations: This was my first mood piece, back when the world was much younger, with indebtedness to Thomas Wolfe. It's short, though. _____________________________________________________________________ Listen, please listen. It is important. I am here to remind you. The time has come for me to tell you again of the things you must not forget. Sit down, please, and close your eyes. There will be pictures. Breathe deeply now. There will be odors, aromas.... There will also be tastes. If you listen closely, you will even hear other sounds within my voice.... There is a place--it is far from here in space but not in time, if you have the means--a place where there are seasons, a place where the spinning, leaning globe moves in an ellipse about its sun, and where the year winds on from a springtime to a bloom, then turns toward a harvest where the colors wrestle one another above your head and beneath your feet, meeting at last in a crisp uniformity of brown through which you walk, now walk, sniffing the life carried above the deadness by the cold, sharp morning air; and the and do not give down rains; then, moving on, there comes a time of coldness and snow, and the bark of the trees grows as hard and sharp as the tongues of files, and each step you take leaves a dark hole in a white world, and if you take a handful into your home with you it melts, leaving you water; the birds do not _wheep, threep, skree, cheep,_ as they do when the color is upon the land and themselves--they zip their feathers tight and vibrate silently upon the shelves of the evergreens; it is a pausing time between movements: The stars come on more brightly (even _this_ star--do not fear it), and the days are short and nothing really gets done but thinking (philosophy was born in the cold countries of the Earth), and the nights are long and given to the playing of card games and the drinking of liquors and the appreciation of music, the boarding and unburdening of love, the looking out through rimed windows, the hearing of the wind, and the stroking of the collie's fur--there, in that still center, called winter on Earth, where things regroup within the quiescence and ready themselves for the inexorable frolic thrusting, to dot with periods of green the graywetbrown that follows the snow, to spend later panics of color upon a dew-collecting, insect-fetching morality of mornings through which you walk, now walk, savoring these things through the pores of your skin--there, I want you to remember, where the seasons proceed in this manner to bear notions of the distinctive pattern of human existence, to tattoo genes with the record of movement through time, to burn into the consciousness of your kind the rhythms of the equally true "Judge thou no man fortunate till he be dead," and the rearing of the Aristophanic Pole--there, is set the place of your |