"Zahn, Timothy - Conquerors 02 - Conquerors' Heritage" - читать интересную книгу автора (Zahn Timothy)"Then you should have ordered them to use lasers," Cvv-panav insisted.
"Perhaps," Thrr-gilag said. "I agree, the situation was potentially dangerous. But I also saw in it a way to gain valuable information." Cvv-panav sniffed. "We were already gaining valuable information-" "The Speaker for Dhaa'rr will be silent," the Prime interrupted mildly. "What information do you refer to, Searcher Thrr-gilag?" "The alien spacecraft had been damaged during its capture," Thrr-gilag said. "Zhirrzh observers had watched as its crew brought it to a landing, but that crew had been severely injured, and it was not known how long they would survive. It occurred to me that if we allowed the Human aboard the craft, our Elders would be able to see how the flight sequence was initiated. I therefore gave the order to allow him access to the craft." "A dangerous risk," one of the other Speakers said. "And for so slight a gain. Our warrior searchers would surely have been able to learn the craft's secrets." "Besides, the alienshave survived," Cvv-panav added. "Which means that the risk was for nothing at all." "Perhaps," Thrr-gilag said. "But I didn't know that then. As for the aliens, their survival is still greatly in doubt." "What is not in doubt is the fact that your gamble failed," Cvv-panav shot back. "The Human has returned to his people with knowledge about the Zhirrzh. You should have killed him." "That may not have done any good," Thrr-gilag said, bracing himself. Here it came; and it was not going to be well received. "In my opinion it is not impossible that the Humans have Elders of their own." He'd expected a roar of outrage from the assembly, or at least a hissing gasp of astonishment. The deathly silence was more unnerving than either of the other two reactions would have been. "Have you proof?" the Prime asked. "Not as yet," Thrr-gilag said, trying to keep his voice and tail steady. "But there are indications. The Human was quick to notice ourfsss scars, asking many questions about them. Furthermore, he also had a similar scar just so"-he traced the place on his abdomen-"indicating a spot from which afsss -sized organ had clearly been removed." "An interesting location for afsss organ," the Prime commented. "Was this removal determined by medical instruments or direct Elder observation?" "Both," Thrr-gilag said. "I ordered the Elder observation after our discussion about thefsss with the Human." "A discussion which I stated at the time should not have occurred," Svv-selic put in. "It provided information-" "The searcher will be silent," the Prime said. "Allow me to point out, Searcher Thrr-gilag, that five other Human bodies were briefly examined after the space battle. None showed any sign of such scars." "Yes, I know," Thrr-gilag said. "And if the Humans do indeed have Elders, that might indicate that they're socially still in an extremely primitive state." "Impossible," Cvv-panav snorted. "They have a highly advanced technology." "Technology level and social structure are not necessarily related," Thrr-gilag said. "The Human Pheylan Cavanagh was apparently equivalent in rank to a Zhirrzh ship commander. If he, and he alone of all his warriors, had had hisfsss removed, it might indicate that the Humans are at a stage comparable to Zhirrzh society before the First Eldership War." For a few beats the chamber was silent. "Considering the barbarism of that era, that would be unpleasant news indeed," the Prime said at last. "Yet it would be consistent with the savagery of their attack on our survey ships. Can we assume we're dealing with a clan-structured feudal system, then?" "Possibly," Thrr-gilag said. "But we mustn't forget that they're aliens. We can't simply project our own history onto them." "And we similarly mustn't forget that wisps of imagination don't condense into hard ceramic," Cvv-panav said contemptuously. "To spin such a theory from a single Human scar walks the line between fever dream and stupidity." "Perhaps," Thrr-gilag said, feeling his midlight pupils narrow with annoyance. "I would remind the Speaker that one of the Human's first actions was to try to reach the pyramid of our observers and communicators. That would imply some knowledge of its purpose." "Coincidence," the Speaker said. "Or simple curiosity." "Was it also coincidence that the Human warcraft who found Study World Eighteen immediately sought out and attacked the observers' pyramid with Elderdeath weapons?" Thrr-gilag countered. "Or coincidence that the Human forces on Dorcas deliberately stole afsss cutting?" |