"Zahn, Timothy - Conquerors 01 - Conquerors' Pride" - читать интересную книгу автора (Zahn Timothy)"Or else they just didn't trigger," Pheylan said, fighting down the surge of panic simmering in his throat. TheKinshasa was crackling with heat stress now as those impossible lasers out there systematically bubbled off layers of the hull... and from the barely controlled voices shouting from the audio-net speaker it sounded as if the rest of the Peacekeeper ships were equally up to their necks in it. In the wink of an eye the task force had gone from complete control of the situation to a battle for survival. And were losing. "Key missiles for heat-seeking, Rico, and fire the damn things."
"Yes, sir. Salvo one away-" And an instant later there was a sound like a muffled thunderclap, and theKinshasa lurched beneath Pheylan's chair. "Premature detonation!" Meyers shouted; and even over the crackling of overstressed metal Pheylan could hear the fear in his voice. "Hull integrity gone: forward starboard two, three, and four and aft starboard two." "Ruptures aren't sealing," Rico called. "Too hot for the sealant to work. Starboard two and four are honeycombing. Starboard three... honeycombing has failed." Pheylan clenched his teeth. There were ten duty stations in that section. Ten people who were now dead. "Chen Ki, give us some motion-any direction," he ordered the helm. If they didn't draw the aliens' lasers away from the ejected honeycombs, those ten casualties were going to have lots of company. "All starboard deck officers are to pull their crews back to central." "Yes, sir." "The ship can't handle much more of this, Captain," Rico said grimly from beside him. Pheylan nodded silently, his eyes flicking between the tactical and ship-status boards. Rico was, if anything, vastly understating the case. With half theKinshasa's systems failing or vaporized and nothing but the internal collision bulkheads holding it together, the ship had bare minutes of life left to it. But before it died, there might be enough time to get off one final shot at the enemy who was ripping them apart. "Rico, give me a second missile salvo," he ordered. "Fire into our shadow, then curve them over and under to pincer into the middle of the bogie formation. No fusing-just a straight timed detonation." "I'll try," Rico said, his forehead shiny with sweat as he worked his board. "No guarantees with the ship like this." "I'll take whatever I can get," Pheylan said. "Fire when ready." "Yes, sir." Rico finished his programming and jabbed the firing keys, and through the crackling and jolting of theKinshasa writhing beneath him, Pheylan felt the lurch as the missiles launched. "Salvo away," Rico said. "Sir, I recommend we abandon ship while the honeycombs are still functional." Pheylan looked again at the status board, his stomach twisting with the death-pain of his ship. TheKinshasa was effectively dead; and with its destruction he had only one responsibility left. "Agreed," he said heavily. "Hauver, signal all hands: we're abandoning. All sections to honeycomb and eject when ready." The damage alarm changed pitch and cadence to the ship-abandon signal. Across the bridge, board lights flickered and went dark as the bridge crew hurriedly disconnected their stations from the ship and checked their individual life-support systems. Pheylan himself, however, still had one task left to perform: to ensure that those alien butchers out there would learn nothing about the Commonwealth from the wreckage of his ship. Getting a grip on the underside of his command board, he broke it open and began throwing the row of switches there. Nav computer destruct, backup nav computer destruct, records computer destruct, library computer destruct- "Bridge crew reports ready, Captain," Rico said, a note of urgency in his voice. "Shall we honeycomb?" Pheylan threw the last switch. "Go," he said, pulling his hands back inside the arms of his chair and bracing himself. And with a thudding ripple that jerked Pheylan against his restraints, the sections of memory metal whipped out from the deck and ceiling, wrapping around his chair and sealing him in an airtight cocoon. A heartbeat later he was jammed into his seat cushion as the bridge disintegrated around him, throwing each of the individual honeycomb escape pods away from the dying hulk that had once been theKinshasa. "Good-bye," Pheylan murmured to the remains of his ship, fumbling for the viewport shutter-release control. Later, he supposed vaguely, the full emotional impact would hit him. For now, though, survival was uppermost in his mind. Survival for himself, and for his crew. The shutters retracted, and he pressed his face up to the viewport that looked back on theKinshasa. The other escape pods were dim flickers of light drifting outward from the twisted and blackened hull still being hammered by the aliens' lasers. There was no way to tell how many of the honeycomb pods were intact, but those that were should keep their occupants alive until they could be picked up. Moving carefully in the cramped confines of the pod, he got to the viewport facing the main part of the battle and looked out. The battle was over. The Peacekeeper task force had lost. He floated there, his breath leaving patches of fog on the viewport, too stunned to move. ThePiazzi was blazing brightly, some fluke of leaking oxygen tanks allowing fire even in the vacuum of space. TheGhana andLeekpai were blackened and silent, as were theBombay andSeagull. He couldn't find any trace of theBadger at all. And theJutland -the powerful, Rigel-class defense carrierJutland -was twisting slowly in space. Dead. And the four alien starships were still there. Showing no damage at all. "No," Pheylan heard himself murmur. It was impossible. Utterly impossible. For a Rigel-class task force to have been defeated in six minutes-six minutes-was unheard of. There was a flicker of laser fire from one of the aliens; then another, and another. Pheylan frowned, wondering what they were shooting at. Some of theJutland's Dragonfly fighters, perhaps, that were still flying around? The aliens fired again, and again- |