"Timothy Zahn - Deadman Switch" - читать интересную книгу автора (Zahn Timothy)

are of course kept only in the Solitaire office."

"Ah," Randon nodded. "Well, then, I think I'll pass. Not much sense in spending time studying one
corner of the painting when I'll get to see the whole thing in a couple of days, is there?"

A flicker of surprise touched both men, followed immediately by annoyance in different degrees. I
gathered the local HTI office had gone to some effort to gather the records into easily digested form,
and Aikman in particular was clearly put out at Randon's casual dismissal of all that work. "As you
wish, Mr. Kelsey-Ramos," he said, managing to keep his voice civil. "In that case—"

"What I'd rather do," Randon interrupted him, "is see what kind of night life Whitecliff has. I
presume it does have some?"

Another flicker of surprise. DeMont recovered first. "Oh, certainly," he said. "Nothing like what
you're used to on Portslava, I don't suppose, but enjoyable in its own way. Here in Alabaster City,
particularly, we have a wide mix of different entertainments."

"Yes, port cities tend to be that way," Randon nodded. "Though I certainly wouldn't like to think I'm
too much of a snob to enjoy something new. You'll both be my guests, of course?"

Aikman and DeMont exchanged glances. Clearly, Randon wasn't fitting into their expectations, and
they weren't entirely sure how to handle him. "We'd be honored to serve as your guides, Mr. Kelsey-
Ramos," Aikman said diplomatically.

"Excellent," Randon said with a smile. "I'll have to bring a couple of my shields along, too, of
course. Company policy, I'm afraid."

"Understandable," Aikman nodded. "Well, then, whenever you're ready—"

"Oh, and Mr. Benedar will be coming, too," Randon said blandly, gesturing a hand toward me. "I'm
sorry; I've been remiss, haven't I? Mr. Aikman, Dr. DeMont—Gilead Raca Benedar."

It was a game on Randon's part, of course—nothing more or less than a way to suddenly spring my
name and Watcher status on them and force a reaction. Certainly he had no interest in trying to
carouse through Alabaster City's night life with someone he considered a religious fanatic hovering
disdainfully in the background. My own interest in playing that role was equally microscopic.

But Aikman and DeMont didn't know that. "Mr. Benedar," Aikman said in acknowledgment, his
formal stiffness turning abruptly rigid. "Mr. Kelsey-Ramos... with due respect for your position, I'd
like to suggest that it would be best if your associate remains behind."

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Deadman Switch

"Oh?" Randon asked, almost innocently. "Is there a problem, Mr. Aikman?"

Aikman locked eyes with him. "To put it bluntly, sir, Watchers aren't especially welcome in
Alabaster City."