"Ivan Yefremov - Andromeda Nebula" - читать интересную книгу автора (Yefremov Ivan)

Cart Sann, painter
Frith Don, Director of the Maritime Archaeological Expedition
Sherliss, mechanic to the expedition
Ahf Noot, prominent surgeon
Grimm Schar, biologist of the Institute of Nerve Currents
Zann Senn, poet-historian
Heb Uhr, soil scientist
Beth Lohn, mathematician, criminal in exile
Embe Ong, candidate for Director of the Outer Stations
Cadd Lite, engineer on Satellite 57
Women : Evda Nahl, psychiatrist Rhea, her daughter Veda Kong,
Miyiko Eigoro, historian, Veda's assistant
Chara Nandi, biologist, dancer, artist's model
Onar. girl of the Island of Oblivion
Eva Djann, astronomer
Liuda Pheer, psychologist (in a former age)

Goor Hahn, observer on the diurnal satellite
Zaph Phthet, Director of External Relations of the planet of 61 Cygni

In the faint light emitted by the helical tube on the ceiling the rows of
dials on the instrument panels had the appearance of a portrait
gallery—the round dials had jovial faces, the recumbent oval
physiognomies were impudently self-satisfied and the square mugs were
immobile in their stupid complacency. The light- and dark-blue, orange
and green lights flickering inside the instruments served to intensify the
A big dial, glowing dull red, gazed out from the middle of the convex
control desk. The girl in front of it had forgotten her chair and stood with
her head bowed, her brow almost touching the glass, in the attitude of one
in prayer. The red glow made her youthful face older and sterner, cast
clear-cut shadows round her full lips and even made her slightly snub nose
look pointed. Her thick eyebrows, knitted in a frown, looked jet black in
that light and gave her eyes the expression of despair seen in the eyes of
the doomed.
The faint hum of the meters was interrupted by a soft metallic click.
The girl started and raised her head, straightening her tired back.
The door opened behind her, a big shadow appeared and turned into a
man with abrupt and precise movements. A flood of golden light sprang
up, making the girl's thick, dark-auburn hair sparkle like gold. She turned
to the newcomer with a look that told both of her love for him and of her
"Why aren't you sleeping? A hundred sleepless hours!" "A bad example,
eh?" There was a note of gaiety in his voice but he did not smile; it was a
voice marked by high metallic notes that seemed to rivet his words
together. "The others are all asleep," the girl began timidly. "and ... don't