"Williamson,.Michael.Z.-.Freehold.02.-.The.Weapon.v1.1" - читать интересную книгу автора (Williamson Michael Z)

only had three ladyfriends, and wasn't able to do more than the
usual fumbling one does as an adolescent. A couple of one-shot
encounters were nothing to write home about. Deni and I stayed in
bed those three days except to eat, and tried every position either
of us could think of, all over the room and the balcony. She floored
me the second day when she casually admitted to having been a
virgin until we met.

"I was raised in a Seeker community. Obsessive parents. One
reason I left. What can I say?" she said in explanation.

She didn't have to say anything. So her parents were primitive
religious types and she wasn't. I didn't have much basis for
comparison, but I knew talent when I encountered it, and she was
evidently a quick study. Add in a delectable body tightened by
exercise and I wouldn't have traded her for any three vid stars.
Even after I acquired more experience, my opinion of her in any
fashion never dropped. She was bright, thoughtful, strong, sexy
and had those eyes that seemed unnatural. Most redheads have
green eyes, hers instead were a blue like a high-latitude eastern
sky at sunset. I'd never realized until then that eyes could be sexy.

* * *

Mobile Assault Training was fun. The instructors were strict without
being anal-retentive, and good-natured. They used sick jokes to
reinforce safety. I recall one, where the sergeant teaching Initial
Parachute Landing (Lecture) explained, " . . . for an emergency
landing during a total equipment malfunction, cross your left arm
over your right and right boot over your left and remain at full
extension." She demonstrated as I tapped furious notes with the
rest of the class. I drew up short as she finished, "It won't do you a
damn bit of good, but when the rescue crew shows up, they can
just unscrew you from the ground." Very funny, especially the
morning before you hang on the side of a VC-6 as it lifts straight
up, then fall off as the rail is yanked from under you.

There were no cancellations of pass unless you really screwed up.
We had a two-day break at equinox, and I hung out with Deni. She
insisted on temple, which I rarely do, but I went along gamely.
She'd called ahead and arranged with the priestess, so we were
greeted cordially. It was temple, I hadn't been in a while, so I
agreed. It was an actual temple, too, not a grove. Cozy little
building, all wood and angles with flying beams and buttresses. I
took a glance around and stopped, because all I could think about
was this bundle of power sitting on the ground next to me. Deni,
meanwhile, seemed to be unfamiliar with ritual. She hesitated over
the invocation and I could tell she was watching me for cues.

After the service, we let our noses find food and walked a block