"Jack Williamson - Eldren 1 - Lifeburst" - читать интересную книгу автора (Williamson Jack)

Cycle of the Elderhood 77:54:08:02

Seeker queen establishes hive in Trojan asteroid.

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Jack Williamson - Eldren 1 - Lifeburst (v1.1)

Sun Year 107 Fall of the skyweb and death of the last Tycoon.

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Jack Williamson - Eldren 1 - Lifeburst (v1.1)


He was a guest in the hive, bolder and hotter in the belly than any of her swarming siblings. A
magnificent creature, armored in glistening crimson, gold scales flashing, fangs and talons black as
space, he pursued her almost from the moment she burst from her egg.

He vanquished all the other suitors rash enough to challenge him, and entranced her with the ballads
of his hunting adventures in their halo fringe. Though the vermin surviving there were tiny things,
their cunning and their rarity made them exciting game.

When her sweet sisters tried to warn her of his hot-bellied passion, she suspected them of jealousy.
Ignoring them, scorning all the would-be lovers he had beaten, she left her mother’s hive with him.

In love too long, intoxicated even by their shared peril, they dared too much. They dived too near the
maddening fire of their star. Caressing each other with the wild ferocity of the seeker kind, kissing and
touching and parting, they laughed at the madness of regeneration, insanely hoping to defeat it

Passion overtook them on a cold flight-food moon where they had alighted to feast on the creamy
snow. She had been teasing him, flashing the flaming colors of love. Tempting her wickedly, he kept
stroking her shimmering labrum. Trembling with her own hot desire, she tried to lock herself and fly

Tried too late. The flame of his semen ignited a nova inside her. Crazed, yielding to delirium, she
seized him with all her talons, his splendid head between her jaws, and crushed all his ripeness into
her. Screaming, burning, stabbing deeper, he fought till he died.