"Jack Williamson - Eldren 1 - Lifeburst" - читать интересную книгу автора (Williamson Jack)

Sun Year 58 Kwan Moon mines in production. Gravity power replaces solar power. Efficient infall

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Jack Williamson - Eldren 1 - Lifeburst (v1.1)

energy generated by ore buckets sliding down skywires.

Sun Year 60 Kwan Labs engineers test first successful fusion-powered ion drive. Lunar skywire hung.
First manned flight beyond Mars.

Sun Year 62 Dissension splits the House of Kwan. Chen faction secures control. Boris Chen ousts
Kerry Kwan, becoming the second Sun Tycoon.

Sun Year 71 Unmanned Pluto probe detects laser bursts from far beyond its flight range. Kwan Labs
engineers interpret burst as signals from alien spacecraft.

Sun Year 77 First Holyfolk Rebellion breaks out in Quito Nuevo, spreads to three continents. Crushed
by worldwide power blackouts and threat of space bombardment. Resulting famines and disorders
widely fatal.

Sun Year 79 Fernando Kwan commands first starside expedition, leaving Cotopaxi High with three
spacecraft to search for solar halo. Fusion cruiser Spica reported lost in encounter with alien spacecraft.

Sun Year 81 With two remaining cruisers, Capella and Aldebaran, Kwan reaches the small halo iceball
he names Janoort. He plants Halo Station as a starside defense outpost against unidentified space