"Wiesner, Karen - Gypsy Road 04 - Vows and the Vagabond" - читать интересную книгу автора (Wiesner Karen)Vows & the Vagabond
Karen Wiesner Copyright 1999, Karen Wiesner ISBN: 1-58200-113-8 All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author, and have no relation whatever to anyone bearing the same name or names. These characters are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention. Prologue More asleep than awake, Lori Gordon fumbled for the shrilling phone. She heard her roommate grumble "It’s yours." and flop a pillow over her head. "‘lo?" "Hey, Princess." constant ache that always seemed to reside in her heart no matter how she tried to exorcise it jolted her to consciousness. Lori sat up, forcing herself to take a deep breath. Calm down; find out what he wants, then hang up! she commanded herself, already sure she wouldn’t do any of that. "It’s four o’clock in the morning," she said, and her roommate flopped again. After sliding out from the warmth of her blanket, she started toward the bathroom. "Yeah, sorry. I..." His voice brought tears to her eyes as she closed the bathroom door behind her and flipped on the soft light over the medicine cabinet. "...I just needed to hear your voice." A part of her had known he’d call. She’d warred with wanting him to and desperately hoping he wouldn’t. Blackie’s voice was enough to shatter her resolve. Everything she’d done since she turned nineteen came down to getting over her love for this man. At first she’d tried to tell herself what she felt amounted to a stupid crush. As soon as she started dating, she’d known it was more than that. Every other male she’d met since moving to New York to attend Parsons School of Design failed to make her forget Blackie. In fact, they just made her remember him, long for him and cringe at her own tenacity. "How was the wedding?" she asked. Their friends Jon Rushing and Tracey Scott had gotten married today. |