"Steve White - The Prometheus Project" - читать интересную книгу автора (White Steve) file:///K|/eMule/Incoming/White,%20steve%20-%20The%20prometheus%20project/0743498917___0.htm (3 of 8)28-12-2006 15:57:06
- Prologue night of the final debate, when the Vice President—whose handlers had believed his drinking problem to be safely in the past—had managed to not quite fall on his face on prime-time TV. His apology to the nation the next day had made matters even worse than they would have been had he tried to brazen it out. Voter turnout had been the lowest in the history of presidential elections, with most of Ortega's centrist base of support—not to mention the agonizingly embarrassed Hispanics—staying home in disgust. In spite of everything, he had somehow managed a forty-three percent plurality of the dismally small popular vote. Ferguson had gotten a once-unimaginable fifteen percent. Another one percent had gone to the usual assortment of minor-party joke candidates. But Langston's forty-one percent had been distributed with mathematical precision to give him exactly two hundred and seventy-one electoral votes. Now he sat in the office he would soon occupy, filled with his triumph and his hatred of the man across the desk. "Thank you for clearing the air, Mr. President. Yes, I know—or can imagine—what you think of me. And I make no secret of what I think of you." Oddly enough, Langston found himself believing the President's assurance that no one was listening . . . and it felt so good to be able to finally let it all out, without DiAngelo to rein him in. "You're a reactionary, warmongering dinosaur—a tool of the military- industrial complex and the multinational corporations! You've ignored the problems capitalism has inflicted on us—poverty, racism, sexism, suburban sprawl, cigarette smoking, meat eating, SUVs, and all the rest of our real problems. Instead, you've promoted economic growth to please the fat cats of Wall Street, and invented imaginary foreign threats to justify military spending." The President raised one eyebrow. "As 'imaginary' as the terrorism we've faced ever since the 'imaginary' destruction of the World Trade Center back in 2001?" to defend themselves against us! We brought the 9/11 attacks on ourselves, by our support for Israeli oppression of the Palestinian people! Besides, the Israelis knew about it in advance and didn't warn us. They let it happen, to inflame public opinion against the peace-loving people of the Arab world. That's been clear all along, at least to those of us who aren't blinded by the propaganda of the international Zionist conspiracy!" This time both presidential eyebrows rose in arcs of irony. "The Vice President-Elect might not see it quite that way." Langston flushed. "Senator Goldman and I have had to agree to disagree about some things. But on matters other than Near Eastern policy, we share a broad philosophical common ground." The President gave a short, scornful laugh. "Translation: you had him rammed down your throat as your running mate. The grown-ups in your party weren't about to accept a loony tune like you as nominee, even for what was supposed to be a kamikaze run, without a sane moderate to balance the ticket." Langston rose to his feet, quivering with rage. "If you've asked me here simply to insult me, Mr. President, I believe I have better uses for my—" "Insulting you is impossible. Now sit down!" Without recalling having done it, Langston realized he was seated again. His conscious rejection of his country's past could not immunize him from the sheer power that pervaded this room, all of it focused and concentrated in the one man behind the desk. For now, he added to himself grimly. Until January. file:///K|/eMule/Incoming/White,%20steve%20-%20The%20prometheus%20project/0743498917___0.htm (4 of 8)28-12-2006 15:57:06 - Prologue |