"Steve White - Forge of the Titans" - читать интересную книгу автора (White Steve)

Auburn, NH
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To Sandy, who has her own kind of magic.
In the common tongue of Khron, final vowels are always pronounced—"Quire"
rhymes with "why ray." The next-to-last syllable is normally stressed, with the exception
of words with the "-uo" ending (meaning "people of" and pronounced as "yew-oh"); in
these words, the last syllable before the ending is stressed. Otherwise, readers are on their
Baen Books by Steve White
Forge of the Titans
Eagle Against the Stars
Emperor of Dawn
Prince of Sunset
The Disinherited
Debt of Ages
With David Weber
In Death Ground
The Shiva Option
Editorial Reviews
From Publishers Weekly

In this refreshingly different science fantasy by White (Eagle Against the Stars), Naval
Aviation Officer Candidate Derek Secrest is distressed to be pulled away from flight
training to undergo testing by a top-secret government organization. When the testing
reveals he's a natural telepath, his entire world is turned upside down. An attempt to use
his powers to interdict a terrorist plot succeeds, but the plot's masterminds prove to be
survivors of Greece's Heroic Age, who not only possess technology superior to our own
but also wield magic derived from mass human sacrifices. In addition, they're in league
with the malevolent beings known to us through myth as the Titans. Derek and his
telepathic friends join the opposition, including the gods of Olympus, who are themselves
shaken by the discovery that psionic humans possess abilities beyond both god and
magician. The basic plot device-that of evil alien gods who once possessed our world
trying to regain a foothold-suggests a Lovecraftian horror, but beyond some lip service
about the intradimensional realms controlled by the Titans inducing madness, there's an
optimism, if not a teleological evangelism, about humans' place in the cosmos that recalls
the best of the John Campbell era of SF. White's core audience of hard SF fans will be
pleased, as will fantasy readers who enjoy convincing explanations of how such things as
magic and psi powers work.
Copyright 2003 Reed Business Information, Inc.
Forge of the Titans
Table of Contents