"Manly Wade Wellman - John the balladeer" - читать интересную книгу автора (Wellman Manly Wade)


"OUgly Bird!" copyright ©1951 by Fantasy House, Inc. for TheMagazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, December 1951.
"The Desrick on Yandro" copyright ©1952 by Fantasy House, Inc. for TheMaga-zine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, June 1952.
"Vandy, Vandy" copyright ©1953 by Fantasy House, Inc. for TheMagazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, March 1953.
"One Other" copyright ©1953 by Fantasy House, Inc. for TheMagazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, August 1953.
"CallMeFrom the Valley" (later refilled, "Dumb Supper") copyright ©1954 by Fantasy House, Inc. for The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, March
"The Little Black Train" copyright ©1954 by Fantasy House, Inc. for TheMaga-zine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, August 1954.
"Shiver in the Pines" copyright ©1954 by Fantasy House, Inc. for TheMagazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, February 1955.
"Walk Like a Mountain" copyright ©1955 by Fantasy House, Inc. for TheMaga-zine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, June 1955.
"Onthe Hills and Everywhere" copyright ©1955 by Fantasy House, Inc. for TheMagazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, January 1956.
"Old Devlins Was A-Waiting" copyright ©1956 by Fantasy House, Inc. for TheMagazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, February 1957.
"Nine Yards of Other Cloth" copyright ©1958 by Mercury Press, Inc. for TheMagazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, November 1958.
"Wonder As I Wander: Some Footprints on John's Trail Through Magic Mountains" copyright ©1962 by Mercury Press, Inc. for The Magazine of Fantasy and
Sci-ence Fiction, March 1962.
"Farther Down the Trail" (containing "John'sMyName,""Why They're Named That," "None Wiser for the Trip," and "Nary Spell") copyright © 1963 by Manly
WadeWellman for WhoFears the Devil?.
"Trill Coster's Burden" copyright © 1979 by Stuart David SchiffforWhispersII.
"Owls Hoot in the Daytime" copyright ©1980 by ManlyWadeWellman for Dark Forces.
"Can These Bones Live?" copyright ©1981 by ManlyWadeWellman for Sorcerer's Apprentice, Summer 1981.
"Nobody Ever Goes There" copyright ©1981 by ManlyWadeWellman for Weird Tales #3.
"Where Did She Wander?" copyright ©1987 by Stuart David Schifffor Whispers VI.

Foreword: Manly in the Mountains by David Drake ................. ix
Introduction: Just Call Me John by Karl Edward Wagner . . . xiii
O Ugly Bird! ............................................................................... 1
The Desrick on Yandro ............................................................. 13
Vandy, Vandy ........................................................................... 25
One Other ................................................................................. 39
Call Me From the Valley ........................................................... 54
The Little Black Train ................................................................ 66
Shiver in the Pines ..................................................................... 82
Walk Like a Mountain ............................................................. 100
On the Hills and Everywhere ................................................... 116
Old Devlins Was A-Waiting .................................................. 124
Nine Yards of Other Cloth ...................................................... 144
Wonder As I Wander: Some Footprints on John's Trail
Through Magic Mountains ................................................... 163
Farther Down the Trail ............................................................ 169
Trill Coster's Burden ............................................................... 172
The Spring .............................................................................. 184
Owls Hoot in the Daytime ....................................................... 196
Can These Bones Live? ........................................................ 209
Nobody Ever Goes There ....................................................... 219
Where Did She Wander?. .231