"Anthony Wall - The Eden Mission 2 (2)" - читать интересную книгу автора (Wall Anthony)The Eden Mission by Anthony Wall in two volumes (youth project)
Volume 2 National Library for the Blind, Far Cromwell Road, Bredbury, Stockport, SK6 2SG. Tel: 0161 3552000. Fax: 0161 3552098. Registered Charity No: 213212. 1998 This work is copyright and permission to copy for the sole use of braille readers and those using the NLB Web Site has been given by the copyright owner. This permission is gratefully acknowledged. No unauthorised broadcasting, public performance or copying is permitted. Braille Page type: Title 9. Revelations It took a lot to annoy Yves, who would rather forgive and forget than let resentment fester. Despite everything, he'd been willing to tolerate his there could be no doubt. "Why didn't I punch him on the nose?" Yves was still fuming as he passed Vanessa and Susan's door. Shall I tell them about Darren? He kept moving. Tell one of the teachers, Ben or the captain? He couldn't think straight. Five minutes later he was back in the cabin. Darren had retreated beneath a bunk blanket. Yves said nothing, biding his time. The time to speak out came next day. After breakfast, ingeniously prepared in the post-hurricane galley, Darren rose and left the others. Now, having considered carefully, Yves produced his pen. Vanessa reached for it. "Where ...?" "Darren's bag. He said he found it." Susan kicked Gary under the table. "Maybe he did find it," Vanessa offered weakly. "Yeah, in my drawer!" Norman toyed with a spoon. "What are you going to do, Yves?" |