"Joan D. Vinge - Cat 2 - Catspaw" - читать интересную книгу автора (Vinge Joan D)JNDVTNGE
@ WUITGRrcO(s ComPanY Gommunicatbns A Warnet Gratefulacknowledgment madeto Harper& Row, Publishers, is Inc. for permission reprint to an excerptfrom CROW, copyright@ 1971by Ted Hughes. Copyright@ 1988by JoanD. Vinge All rights reserved. WarnerBooks, Inc., 666 Fifth Avenue,New York, NY 10103 @n Warner Communications Company Printed in the United Statesof America First printing: September 1988 1098765432r Book Design by Nick Mazz,ella Library of Congrcss Cataloging-in-Publication Data Vinge,JoanD. Catspaw JoanD. Vinge. / p. cm. I. Title. PS3572.153C3 1988 813'.54-dc19 88-,!0082 rsBN 0-446-51396-2 CIP AC This one'sfor you, kid. You know whoyou are. (With his glared off face glued back into position A dead man's eyes plugged back into his sockets A dead man's heart screwedin under his ribs His tattered guts stitched back into position His shatteredbrains covered with a steel cowl) He comes forward a step, and a step, and a step- |