"Doorsways in the Sand 06" - читать интересную книгу автора (Varley John)IT WOULD BE DANGEROUS TO YOUR HEALTH. HOW DANGEROUS? TERMINALLY SO. I AM NOT CERTAIN I LIKE THE IDEA. NECESSARY. IT WILL SET EVERYTHING IN PROPER ORDER. YOU ARE SURE THAT IT WILL HAVE THE EFFECT OF MAKING THINGS CLEARER, OF BRINGING SOME ORDER TO THE PRESENT MUDDLED SITUATION? OH YESXXXXXXXYESXXYESXXYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESXXXXXXXXYES. I AM GLAD YOU ARE SO CONFIDENT. THEN YOU WILL DO IT? IT IS SUFFICIENTLY BIZARRE TO BE A HAIR OF THE DOG. PLEASE CLARIFY. YES. AFFIRMATIVE. I WILL DO IT. LET US HOPE. WHEN SHOULD I BE ABOUT IT? AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. ALL RIGHT I WILL THINK OF SOME WAY TO GET AT IT AGAIN. THAT THEN IS ALLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO There it was, in its entirety. Instant replay-only in less time than it took me to raise my hand to my cheek and cut a highway through the lather. My nameless respondent had come through all right, and this time he had promised a satisfying result. I began to hum. Even a shaky assurance of enlightenment is better than indefinite uncertainty. When I had finished, I bypassed the front room and made my way into the kitchen. It was a narrow place, with a sink full of dirty dishes and the smell of curry in the air. I set about assembling a meal. In the lower right-hand drawer of the refrigerator, lying atop the package of bacon, I discovered a note. It said simply: "Remember the number and what I said about calling it." So I ran the digits through my mind, over and over, as I scrambled, fried and toasted. Then, just as I was sitting down to eat, the donkey came into the kitchen and stared at me. "Coffee?" I suggested. "Stop that!" "What?" "Those numbers. It is extremely irritating." "What numbers?" "The ones you are thinking. They are swarming like insects." I spread marmalade on a piece of toast and took a bite. "Go to hell," I said. "My uses for telepathic donkeys are limited, and what I do in the privacy of my own mind is my business." "The human mind, Mister Cassidy, is seldom worth the visit. I assure you I did not request the assignment of monitoring yours. It is obvious now that I erred in mentioning a creature courtesy you cannot appreciate. I suppose that I should apologize." "Go ahead." "You go to hell." |